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About RevDrRed

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Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Studying, Preaching
    Meeting and Networking with other ULC ministers
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Messianic Spirituality

Other Details

  • Occupation
    Pastor and Public Speaker
  • Website URL

Contact Methods

  • Skype

RevDrRed's Achievements

New Friend

New Friend (3/17)

  1. Most of my family stopped talking ti me. Most of my friends stopped talking to me. The few family and friends that remain are "proud" of me leaving my "old life" behind are having issues with my beliefs. Most people im meeting since becoming a pastor seem to like me and have no issue (except for the guy mentioned in the "Honest Question" topic) with me being ordained through ULC. As far as clergy-wear, no i dont. I dress fairly conservative and clean. Im a "come as you are" type of minister. Most people like me for the reason i "look" like them. I mainly have problems from other pastors of different denominations, but they have problems with each other anyway. Basically, most people arent concerned how I was ordained.
  2. Via reading through comments, it appears as though some of you are familiar with the Urantia Book.
  3. I do believe in the existance of ET's. Due to such i have been met with much criticism from the mainstream Christian world. Info on my beliefs (and Biblical evidence) of ET's can be found on my ministries "Aliens and UFO's" page.
  4. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

    1. RevDrRed


      Thankyou for the welcome. I'll jump in where I can.