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About evinwilkins

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  1. I've pulled up the ones you mention above, and the World HQ which I definitely do not want. I appreciate your help and will look here. Thank you!
  2. Can someone tell me where to sign up for classes? I've seen more than one site and want to make sure I order from the right place. Thanks, Rev Evin
  3. Welcome to the Forum. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  4. I've taken a couple of them and as someone else stated, the costs are very nominal and they are actually pretty good courses. Short, sweet and to the point in my opinion.
  5. I'm still trying to work out where mine will take me. I initially did it as a joke as well but as time goes on, I almost feel a "calling" if that makes any sense. Rev. Evin