Reverse Blades

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About Reverse Blades

  • Birthday 09/13/1971

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  • Location
    Mississauga, Ontario

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  • Interests
    all things spiritual, nature, animals
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    wherever Creator leads me

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Titled Friend

Titled Friend (4/17)

  1. back for a quick visit to let you all know beth and i got married last weekend at niagra falls. wonderful cerimony by one of our best friends and honeymoon at a friends cabin near niagra. great week but now im going back to palmer alaska to finish last half of winter job. will return end of april. blessing of love to all.

    1. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      Congrats Blades! May you both live happily ever after. Miss ya around here! Know you're busy, but we always enjoy hearing from you! Blessings of Peace!

  2. hey every one an d hows it going? ther are ets on this planet already. i know i work with at least 2 of them - short, grayish blue skin, bald an saggie big eyes! ha-ha thats my boss and hes almost 80 yrs old - or at lest seem like it. all jokes aside tho- my gal- now my wife as we got married last weekend- saw a craft when we were on one our first dates that we know wasnt one of ours. if it was then the y havent told us about the round disk shape silver color craft with ultra brite lites off each side that could hover and then speed off at moch speed without creating a sonic boom. it was less than a half km from us at about 600m in the sky. it hovered for a good 2-3 minutes and the pictures we got only showed the lights like the rest of it was invisible. strange very strange and spooked all of us in the group of 6 of us. i believe they have been here a long time and are just waiting until we grow up enough to make formal contact. if they had bad intentions wed know it by now and why we think they are waiting. right now i dpnt think they want much to do with us as most peeps are so imature. sorrry to have been gone for so long but the winter job took us to palmer alaska this year and then we got back 2 week ago for our wedding which our friend did the ceremony for us at niagra falls very nice and we have had agreat time thru the whol e thing.
  3. Winter is a good time to think about ones spirit. Wrapped up warm in a blanket while so cold outside reminds me of my soul. It is of good and warm in nature but faces a cold, cruel world. So then, do I let the world freze over my soul or let my soul warm up the world? Both seem futile at times

    1. Zequatanil


      The latter sound heartwarming--I would strongly recommend that, neither is it futile!BTW--I love your doggie--he is more like a small horse. Gorgeous! Do you now only have one? Blessing to you and Beth for the New Year!With love, Suzanne

  4. your storie s have inspired my gal and i to also start a litle plan here av. we call it 'courage and justice for all' pet sitting. the long winters up here requrie people to be late getg home from work often so we will walk the pets, make sure fed on time or whatev they need with no extr a charges. many of the other sitters charge big $ for the trouble of late arivals from work. beth and i started just 2 week ago and already have 4 cleints to get us thru the winter when i on lay off. oh the other big news we are getting marries on dec 31! if of coures world not end on dec 21! we were wondering if we could have a friend join ulc and be okay for her to do our ceremony if she get ordain now. is there wait period for her or can she do it straight away? i pm you for more info. from my iPhone 18-11-2012
  5. we pray all are safe from sandy here at forum. it s been good for the walet tho with over 70 hours ot since clean up began last week and now finally 3 days off before winter lay off begins next 2 week or so

  6. After reading your story Atwater, I'm glad your doing what you can for these poor cats. We have a particularly aggressive animal copper we know of at work that I'd like to send over to those peoples house. Best of luck doing what you can for them.
  7. We have the unfortunate problem of people thinking the golf course is the place to dump their unwanted kittens and puppies and every winter takes its toll on dozens left out in the snow. The uncaring selfish people that cause this sort of terrible end for so many animals will hopefully have their acts judged in the end. The problem is not much better up here and it breaks our hearts to see so many strays all over the city. We do have a few caring veterinarians that do what they can but even with that the problem seems to overtake everyone. I wish you all the best in taking care of the ones you do.
  8. the golf course is back on track just in time for winter and looks like a real mickey blowin g in this week end. only another week or two before winte r lay off what ajoy.

  9. went back to work on sept 20 and have been there 60 or more hour per week getitng things back to par. we thank all for kind thots of justice may he rip. i be back when caugh t up on rest and thanks again every one. RB & Beth

  10. im not quite sure what all that means but i am a man but not lazy. i work very hard even now when off the job. but if what a lot of your posts means that peopl e dispize what they dont understand, hate what seems a threat to them then yes i can agree. never had a philosophy class but have read a bit of nitzsche when my gal was in college and always like the jung fellow quit e a bit. but plato and socratese always managed to keep my atention. i think too many people see a threat where none exists. often it is just people wanting to know more abou t them. if questions are threat, then how would we ever learn anything? i answred only because i see Canada in your avatar. from Hamilton -Ontario area here. nice to know there some one else from north of border here.
  11. i been at my job for many years and the new owner said no changes a month ago when they bought out the golf course. first changes today with 9 of us with senorty getting sacked. anyone need their lawn mowed by a pro?

    1. grateful


      that totally bites blades, :(

    2. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      Sorry to hear that Blades. I hope you find another job very soon that you love as much as you did your position there. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.

  12. sister of my best frie d grwin g up had hamsters a lot. she had like 8or9 at one time in cages all over her room. i know no matter wha t she did to make them comfort they would always change it. it always made jen so mad when they didn t like her arangment. she put it back then they would then she would. it always cracked us up how mad she would get but she did always love the littl e things to death. when they would die she would make coffins out of cardboard and every one had to attend the funera l. her dad would dig a hole in the back yard and she tended to all her litle wood markers. but i prefer animals i can inneract with take for walks chase balls and the like. no such thing as to big a dog for me.
  13. the spaneil in gratefu l post looks a lot like the dog my parents had when i wa s littl e. his name was ernie but i don t know why. i was only about 5 when he passed ont o doggy heven. before we got justice and courage i had a rotty that was sweet as pie but when i moved over to hamilto n i couldnt find any place that woul d take him. it is a shame what bad people have made good dogs out to be. jake wouldnt hurt a fly. as luck would have it some frien ds of mine moved out towards the tundra areas and took him in and they all seem to love the wildernes s areas. i just talked to my friend the other day and he said jake had gone missing for three days until the day I called. came back none the worse for were so we could onl y think he knew i was going to cal l. haha of course but then we do hear those storys of dogs finding long gone owners so who know for sure eh? but for now justice and courage are the life of us and we wouldn t trade them for the worl d. i think it does take spirtual people to own pets at lest good owner s. ive never met a good pet owner that id didnt lik e too.
  14. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,