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About AbreactiveMinisterJoe

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  • Gender
  • Marital Status
    Engaged to be married. ( w00t!! )
  • Location
    Columbus, Ohio

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AbreactiveMinisterJoe's Achievements

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New Member (2/17)

  1. The forum wishes to extend our regards to you and yours and hope you'll come back and join us in discussions that may interest you. It is the individual input that makes this such a great forum! We'd enjoy hearing more from you! Blessings of Peace, "Al"

  2. IIRC one of the "script foo" wizards that accompanies the GIMP creates circle text both nicely and relatively painlessly.
  3. Welcome to the Forum. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

    1. AbreactiveMinisterJoe


      Thank you kindly. I'm glad to be here. : )

      Blessings of peace, happiness, etc to you and all as well.

  4. In my opinion, the factual difference is that religion is comprised of opinion as to fact, and politics is comprised of opinion as to policy. For instance, it is a religious question as to what is the difference between politics and religion. It is a political question what policys should be in effect regarding the difference between politics and religion. Or, it is a religious question which text editor is better, Vi, or Emacs. It is a political question which text editor a software house will use, Vi or Emacs.