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About revmike81

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New Member (2/17)

  1. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  2. The short answer is not much just yet, as I was just ordained about a month and a half ago. I've just enrolled in the S.O.U.L. course and accordingly hope to get into religious counseling -- if nothing else, just being a safe person for others to come with difficult questions, fears, and anxieties. I hope that my being a ULC minister may give me increased opportunities in this capacity. I am also interested in preaching; perhaps, at some point, I'll put a Website and post sermons. I would like to officiate a friend's wedding (though it won't be happening for at least a couple of years), but his fiancee is a difficult person who dislikes me (for stupid reasons) and therefore would likely object to my officiating. Perhaps I could serve other couples in this way at some point down the road. I'm also eager to ordain new ministers, but I haven't had the opportunity just yet. In short, at this point, I'm just learning all I can about ULC ministry and brain-storming constructive things I might be able to accomplish as a minister.
  3. I have long felt an attraction toward the clerical state. I am a devout Catholic, but I am at odds with and disaffected from my church's hierarchy on certain issues. Due to reasons I won't go into here, being a Catholic priest is not a realistic option for me. I am instead living the celibate life in the world. I see being a ULC minister as a means for me to be more fruitful, generative, and other-directed as a Christian celibate. Unlike many others, I did not obtain ordination primarily to officiate weddings, though I'm not certainly not averse to that. I am mainly interested in offering religious counseling and preaching. Additionally, I am a Hermetic, a Rosicrucian, and a Golden Dawn practicioner, all things upon my church hierarchy but are acceptable within the ULC framework. The non-dogmatic nature of the ULC then is a good fit for my combination of exoteric and esoteric spiritual pursuits.