I'll not bother responding to the last couple pages of posts with personal attacks taking each other out of context. I'd prefer to respond to the original post. What would I do for a million dollars? My answer would depend on my situation at the time. At this moment, I have a decent job, so does my wife, and we are relatively debt-free (aside from our house payments). At this moment, I do not NEED a million dollars. It would only be luxury. Based on that, I would not pretend to be something I am not. I would not harm anyone. I would do nothing that would, on the whole, harm society. Since that much money would be a very nice luxury (early retirement, travel the world, help a LOT of people, etc.), I would be willing to do all sorts of things I would normally not do. I would not do anything sexual with anyone else, because I value my happy marriage far higher than I do that stack of money. However, if my wife were to go along with it, I might do some unusual sexual things for the money. Let's see... I would pose nude (though I doubt many people would want to see that) or ride a bicycle naked downtown (assuming I would not be in danger of doing serious jail time). I would be willing to eat some fairly disgusting things, if it were not dangerous to my health... maybe something like balut, grubs or insects. I would urinate on any religious or sacred object or book (unless it was a rare historical artifact and urinating on it would destroy it... for example, I would not urinate on the Mona Lisa for a million dollars). Now, suppose my situation were different. If we were jobless, in serious debt, unable to afford needed food or medicine, I am sure I would be willing to do far more things against my values, in proportion to my needs. In cases of desperation, I would probably even be willing to harm others, if it meant relieving harm to myself and my loved ones. Fortunately I am not in that level of need, and hopefully our society will become more caring about those in need so that nobody would ever be put in such a desperate situation. - Rev. Octopus