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About Czarina369cz

  • Birthday 03/26/1970

Helpful Information

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  • Location
    Des Moines, IA

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Pagan (loosely) belief system; armchair psychology; insightful, inquisitive, intense, polite to a fault. Quite tolerant.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation

Other Details

  • Occupation
    home health care admin.

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo

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Registered User (1/17)

  1. Good day, good mood...that's not bad.

  2. I am Czarina...the reason I decided to become ordained, for the most part, is that I seem to have the gift for counsel. My spiritual beliefs are rarely spoken of outside a very small circle; but I've been accumulating life experience for a while now ... haven't we all? I also very much like the standpoint of "Do whatever you think is right", that sums it up for me. That's all we need. Humans do have morality worked into their DNA sequencing; I do not feel that we need a list of do's and don'ts for everyone; they know in their hearts and minds what is right. They may not care. Thank you for having me. Cz.
  3. Welcome to the ULC forum family of friends. I hope you find our little gathering to be as warm and welcoming as I have!

    Please, feel free to look around, read the archives and join in our discussions. We always look forward to new perspectives!

    Blessings of Peace,


    New Member Moderator