Rev. Amber Celeste

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About Rev. Amber Celeste

  • Birthday 08/16/1968

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Vancouver BC Canada

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Writing, photography, socializing, listening to music and learning new things.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Neo Pagan

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  • Occupation
    Pursuing writing/photography career
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  1. staying positive when faced with lots of challenges is in itself a challenge ;-))

  2. is in my hometown trying to re-establish a life here ;-))

    1. Brother Michael Sky

      Brother Michael Sky

      our prayers go with you !

  3. Thank you so very much for your friendship .... I could say more but I think this is the most consise ;-))

  4. is wondering why each day is getting harder and harder to find anything to smile about - when will things turn around .......

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rev. Donald Foster

      Rev. Donald Foster

      "Today!" That is the message that came to me as soon as I read your status. I follow my path no matter where it leads and this is where I am on that journey, passing on a message. I will not check to see if I was right because 'I' did not select this message or who it was intended for.

      That being said I am off to wish my mom a happy birthday, peace and blessings to you and yours.

    3. Rev. Lynch

      Rev. Lynch

      "There is also love in the world" - what a great saying! Best wishes with peace and love.

    4. Rev. Amber Celeste

      Rev. Amber Celeste

      You were right Rev. Donald Foster - spoke to my son yesterday and that made everything look that much brighter.

      And also Thank You to everyone who has offered prayers - THEY DO WORK ;-))

  5. is going through real hard times and needs as much positive energy/prayers sent her way

    1. Rev-James


      You have my prayers and hope that your times are not hard for long.

    2. Rev. Amber Celeste

      Rev. Amber Celeste

      Thank you very very much. I need a lot of prayers right now - my strength is wavering and I have to admit I feel it is my only hope.

  6. has realized how wonderful freedom really is ;-))

  7. Thanks for your suggestion on my profile - LOL was at that site this AM doing tutorials before I logged in here (imagine that LMAO) .... anyways I like your coments above - adding you as a like-minded friend


    you'll find many useful tutorials for web page building... truly a one stop resource... happy building...

  9. Merry meet,

    Dropped in to say hi and add you as a friend


  10. Thanks for adding me as a friend, Amber. And welcome to the ULC Forum.


  11. Welcome and thanks for the add. What type of writing and photography are you interested in Rev. Amber Celeste?

    My parents were married on August 16. LOL Just an all around good day for everyone - except Elvis, may he find peace.

  12. Through looking through profiles I was led to yours - nice to see a fellow Canadian (I am in the US but from BC) Cheers ;-))