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Everything posted by RevMelanie

  1. True, I would never pay that amount, haha! But for one who's crafty, it gives some good ideas to make your own.
  2. Anyone looking for rainbow colored stoles, here's the link for them!
  3. I've always had a gift. The gift was the unwavering compassion to help others. It's in my nature. I like to comfort others, advise them, help them to get what they want to be happy. I'm not sure where I got it, who knows, maybe I was born with it. Maybe it came from me not having an advocate in anyone when I was growing at school were cruel to me on a daily basis, and authority figures such as teachers, counselors and even my own mother never believed me when I was having problems. I wanted to become the person I wished I had for myself earlier in life. Both me and my fiancee believed in the same thing; yet we weren't allowed to get married and join together in a life until we listed a "religion" down on our certificate. We were forced to bring an approved religion into our ceremony regardless of our wishes. No one that had a hand in marrying me and my husband respected our beliefs, so we were forced to LIE about it. If we had found a non-denominational mister to marry us, the experience would have been a hell of a lot more pleasant. Becoming an ordained minister is a good way for me to start doing things I've wanted to do. I would love to give the opportunity of marriage to couples that have their own beliefs, if they have any at all. I would love to have a hand in giving a gay couple who have been in love for a long time their special day, legal or not, just for the symbolic purpose, if anything. If someone experiences the loss of a pet, I would love to be able to help ease their pain by giving them a proper funeral for the purpose of closure and healing. This is the kind of person I would like to be; and if ordainment is the starting vehicle for a possible career in doing this, then hand over the keys cuz I'm going for a ride.