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Everything posted by GothicScrybe
Greetings, everyone! It's been a long road, but I'm back...my heart, my soul and my spirit finally in the right place. I thank God for His patience while I found my way back. I have re-dedicated my life to serving the Lord and will eternally remain His servant. I'd like to offer the services of my Ministry, The Cup, Cat and Cauldron to anyone in need. I offer daily incense burning and prayers for any need...never any charge. My Ministry is run solely by the Grace of God and He provides all my needs. I have little need for money, past basic survival . Please feel free to contact me, anytime at thecupcatandcauldron@gmail.com I take my duty to the Lord, very seriously, so I'm "on call," 365. Many blessings to everyone! 😊
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Not Really A Trial...but More Like An Awakening...
GothicScrybe replied to GothicScrybe's topic in Stories & Texts Archive
Thank you, Mark 45... -
Greetings, all... It's been a really long while since I've come by for a visit or chat, but I have updated my profile and have made some major changes in my life. The day before Thanksgiving, I lost my light, my world and my life...my Familiar, Wah Lum Princess Little Tail. She was everything to me and I had no clue just how much her death would affect me. My husband and son took me out for Thanksgiving lunch but I didn't feel as if I had much to be thankful for. My baby was eight years old, and her illness came on suddenly and caused her demise just as quickly. Maybe that was for the better, that I lose her quickly, rather than her languish and suffer...but being a selfish human, I was nowhere near ready (I don't think I would have ever been) to let her go. I am coping better and the kindness people have shown me has been unbelievable and touching...from the old man at the flea market who - when I paused...just paused - to look at a small cat statue, told me to put it in my bag and take it home to the friend of my husband's who, when he visited his pawn shop and saw a cat ring and remarked how much it looked "like my wife's favorite cat that she just lost" he picked it up, handed it to hubs and told him to bring it to me. The people who have offered loving words, the calls...it has all been overwhelming and looking back now, I realize that the things I once thought were so important, in the grand scheme of things, mean absolutely nothing. With that said, I have changed my life path. I have put my writing on the back burner (I am still writing, have a book due out in January, book 2 of my Vampire series, but it no longer rules my life as it once did) and have thrown myself completely into my Country Folk Witchery, starting an Etsy shop and even a magazine for the pursuit of more simpler and primitive ways of life. It's just a shame that it took me losing my baby to make this change, but she is with me every step of the way, I'll be planting a memorial garden for her, come spring and I plan to live as simply, stress free and as happily from now on...as possible.
Had a fabulous birthday weekend. Gearing up to announce the winner of the Harbinger contest!
I no longer have the time to be a part of the Hot Seat...but it's a great idea and I can't wait to see how it unfolds!
Been a while since I've been here! New books on the market!
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/4horsemenradio/2010/06/30/4-horsemen-paranormal-radio - so excited about this interview!
Really Weird Question - But Now I'M Curious...
GothicScrybe replied to GothicScrybe's topic in Legal Questions
That's great Brother Michael...that's the best way to deal with them. -
Getting the word out about the newest issues of my magazines being available! Woo hoo!
Really Weird Question - But Now I'M Curious...
GothicScrybe replied to GothicScrybe's topic in Legal Questions
Thanks for the input, Mdtaylor. They just wanted to act like a cretin, got their stupidity thrown in their face due to what I told them and while I know they were making fun of me, after I set them straight, they've not spoken to me since. Not that I'm complaining. I prefer to surround myself with people of intelligence...not attention-seeking morons. So, as I said, I like to be armed with knowledge and info - and I was - and thanks to the "back-up" from everyone who posted that my info was right, they "lost" (so to speak) and now have waddled off with their tail between their legs - which serves them right. Who are they to judge? Anyway, thanks again! -
Really Weird Question - But Now I'M Curious...
GothicScrybe replied to GothicScrybe's topic in Legal Questions
Aina...there is nothing wrong with that. I have my own ministry (and that includes doing weddings) that gives faith counseling and religious crisis counseling, but as for having a place to do it out of? No...I just do it online, so those who wish to be cretins will say it's not an "official" ministry. Oh but if we took the charlatan route, that would give them even more ammo. I have come to the conclusion that people will believe what they will and they can deal or not. I'm not concerned either way. My ordination is real, luckily for me, Florida has some of the most lax marriage laws in America and I am happy and proud to be ordained by the U.L.C. Whether or not people choose to believe is up to them, but they have no power over me, nor can they do anything to stop me helping others. -
Really Weird Question - But Now I'M Curious...
GothicScrybe replied to GothicScrybe's topic in Legal Questions
That's brilliant, Carl! Congrats and good luck! Thanks Hex! Which makes sense, Dorian, but people can be so petty, I just like to be armed with as much irrefutable info as possible to quiet the naysayers. Being well-informed is one of the most powerful tools you can have. I grew up in "mainstream" church...a hellfire, brimstone and damnation Southern Baptist church (which is why I'm not one now) and it was ridiculous the pettiness that went on between the higher-ups in the church "tier." So though their ordination may be for life as well, you'd think not, the way egos swelled and fur flew at their meetings. -
Really Weird Question - But Now I'M Curious...
GothicScrybe replied to GothicScrybe's topic in Legal Questions
Thanks everyone! These answers are fabulous and yes Murph...I was being picked on - which just shows what I was dealing with mentality-wise, from this jerk. What upset the nasty cretin worse than anything was the fact that rather than get angry and grasp at straws like he did in confronting me, I coolly answered his questions with irrefutable facts...ordination is for life (I'd NEVER ask mine to be revoked and didn't get it fraudulently) so l-i-f-e and if people can't deal, that's their problem. Pope...thank you for the quote! I appreciate it and will remember it because you are absolutely right. Everyone else that I didn't mention by name, I appreciate your input as well and thank you all for your thoughts on how (or not ) to deal with cretins who have inferiority complexes. -
Can The Minister Be Sued If The Marriage Turns Bad
GothicScrybe replied to pope_cahbet's topic in Legal Questions
MdTaylor...if I said I was surprised by this, I'd be lying. A little off subject, but still sort of encompassing... In October 2009, I was rear-ended - while sitting completely stopped at a red light no less - by someone on a cell phone. The man was ticketed, clearly in the wrong and yet my attorney doesn't want to fight in court to make the man's auto insurance pay to fix my car. I did convince him finally (I think the threat of being fired from the case and my nasty insistence helped him make the right decision) to take the insurance company to court but it was grudgingly on his part. Why did he behave this way? My opinion? He doesn't have the guts to fight and didn't want to put forth the effort because apparently he doesn't know what he's doing...even though the case is ironclad in my favor. So, as I said...what you say about attorneys does not surprise me one bit - even as sad and frightening as it is. Rev. Jerry - thank you for this information. This is always handy to have for reference in case need be. -
Can The Minister Be Sued If The Marriage Turns Bad
GothicScrybe replied to pope_cahbet's topic in Legal Questions
Good luck to you, Pope! I wish you the best. I have to be honest though and say how surprised I am at how contrary the state of Tennessee seems to be. I would have expected to have this kind of trouble in Florida...but would never have guessed that the state of TN could be such a hassle to deal with. Hence...why I wish you much luck and will look forward to seeing the post that you've resolved everything and are ready to go. -
I hope I have this in the right thread... Just because I like to have all angles covered (read: deal with people who like to poke fun of ULC ordained members) I'm curious about this now too. I know that ordination is for life. Says so in all the information I've read and even on the back of my clergy card that I carry in my purse. But someone who thinks it's funny to poke fun at my ordination (and refuses to believe it's real) asked me some (in my opinion) insulting questions and I answered as best I could but now I'm curious as to how others have handled boors such as this person. The first question was about ordination and if it really was for life. I explained that it is, as is stated very clearly in everything I've read. The next question was..."Yeah, but are you certain it can't be taken away from you?" I once again explained that ordination is for life and that I had seen nothing anywhere, not even on the forum information listings, that stated otherwise. Their answer was, "Yeah, okay, so they have a forum too? What if you make someone mad on the forum?" My answer was, "You'd probably get banned, just like any other forum if you're obnoxious and a hindrance to thought-provoking discussion, rather than a useful contributor." To that, their retort was, "Yeah, but if you get banned on the forum, apparently you've made someone really mad. So can they convince the powers that be to take away your ordination?" I answered that being thin-skinned and "pitching a temper tantrum" was something that mainstream churches do in pulling power trips and that the ULC is far above that kind of juvenile childishness. I once again reiterated that nothing on the site lists anything that can have your ordination taken away. I think I held my own (being so new to everything - yes I was ordained in 2009 but have done nothing with it until now so I'm still learning the ropes so-to-speak) but has anyone else encountered such questions and if so, how did you handle them or boorish people similar to the one I had the misfortune of encountering? I like to draw from real-life experiences (especially if they help quiet naysayers) so I'll be interested in hearing what others have to say.
Can The Minister Be Sued If The Marriage Turns Bad
GothicScrybe replied to pope_cahbet's topic in Legal Questions
Dorian...I didn't mean to imply that Clerks have the power to determine what's legal, I'm just repeating what my legal counsel told me. Pope is welcome to do whatever he wishes. I choose to listen to my legal counsel. -
Can The Minister Be Sued If The Marriage Turns Bad
GothicScrybe replied to pope_cahbet's topic in Legal Questions
It sounds like you're making things a lot harder on yourself than you need to. I wasn't thrilled about having to deal with my local Clerk's office either (because they are morons) but it was a necessary evil. The County Clerk's office is not just for finding out how to fill out forms. They are an extension of the state in which you live (makes them fall under the umbrella of state/federal) and though they aren't lawyers, they work for the state and therefore have to know the law - to a certain extent - because they can't have people filling out paperwork incorrectly. That would invalidate any paperwork they file that goes under the Clerk of The Court umbrella. I'm not an attorney myself so being as I know little about the law, a friend of mine with a law degree volunteered to call for me (in case they decided to read legalese forms which people will do when they have no clue what they are talking about) and she told me that my local Clerk had not only heard of the ULC, she said that I was 100% legal in all respects and that all I had to do was sign where necessary and file the marriage license for the couple. Florida has very lax marriage laws and for all the bad we have here government-wise, I am grateful for that much. -
Can The Minister Be Sued If The Marriage Turns Bad
GothicScrybe replied to pope_cahbet's topic in Legal Questions
Here is a simple way to find out whether or not you're legal and then even if you do only have a weddings ministry, it won't matter. Trust me on this and save yourself some headaches. Simply call the clerk of the circuit court for the county in which you live. I live in Florida (insert groan here) which for all the tourists and Disney junkola we have, white sandy beaches, blah, blah, blah is one of the most backward and redneck, white trash states in the union. Oh and before you ask why I live here...I'm a native...here before Disney and before it became what it is now. Florida wasn't always like this... Anyway...with that said, we are like 30 years behind everyone else...education, smoking laws, conservation...you name it. So, my husband too has relentlessly questioned the validity of my ordination since., in his words "You did it online." So, a simple call to my local county (make sure you call the COUNTY - yes, yelling because it matters! - not the city!) Clerk of The Circuit Court to put any questions to rest. In fact, the lady at the Clerk's office had even hard about the ULC. How cool is that? So look up your State's laws on marriage and then call your county to ensure that you don't have to jump through hoops because each county is different. Good luck! -
Can The Minister Be Sued If The Marriage Turns Bad
GothicScrybe replied to pope_cahbet's topic in Legal Questions
Hear...hear! On that same note, a pal of mine posted a blog about a group of lowlife, pass-the-buck-losers who are lobbying to get Ronald McDonald removed from McDonalds restaurants because he "makes" kids want to come eat there and therefore they get fat from it. It's official...the death of personal responsibility is not only at hand...the hole has been dug to throw it in! -
Turnig Witches To Christ
GothicScrybe replied to savedintheson's topic in Prayer & Good Wishes Archive
My post was simple and to the point and doesn't need to be scrutinized. I am a Christian...but I also practice Hoodoo, which is Witchcraft, Catholicism and Christianity all rolled into one and the Christian community vilifies those like me, for it. Yet if they'd bother to read Matthew 7 - they might not think so highly of themselves...and not be so quick to try and step into God's shoes. They tend to forget...we practitioners of Hoodoo read the Bible too...and we can give it as good as we get if they wish to waste time arguing, rather than banding together to work for the same cause. What path we follow isn't important...only the end result is and the sooner people stop thinking they have to "save" others (when they don't know their walk with their Creator) the better off we all will be. People trying to "fix others" (whom aren't broken) is the cause of many murders, wars and unnecessary violence. People simply need to leave well enough alone unless they are asked for help. Then by all means give it - otherwise, they need to mind their own business. Ha ha! -
Yes you may Great Cthulhu. Simply mention so in the body of your e-mail. I'll look forward to your submission June 2 until September 1 - which is the deadline. That would explain it then, SalemWitchChild. I use MySpace for my official magazine site. It covers all my needs so it's kind of a waste to have a separate website for it.