The Airman, the Officer, never a Gentleman He lays awake at midnight alone, Half sitting and half prone. He lives in color and florescent lights, But he dreams of candles in black and white. He knows things he can not let known. He has memories of a nightmare, However that was his life. He no longer has freighting dreams, But he no longer has any dreams. He knows things he may not let known. He has lived through hell, However of it he won’t tell. He has dreams of a child’s innocent life. But his was filled by trouble & strife. He knows things he will not let known. He has met triumph and disaster, However yet to meet his master. He holds secrets he must forget, But across his thoughts the memories have set. He knows things he can not, may not, will not, let known. Grounded. Civilian, and Still not a Gentleman Sits ‘wake the Bride in another room, Six months now the groom. He has dreams of a happy married life, Of which he can give his beautiful wife. Still things can, may and will not be known. I wrote this some time ago under a pen name but as it never was published except on an old website that's years dead. Here it is again for you guys.