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About _OC

  • Birthday 02/04/1961

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    Family, friends and helping to get things right again.
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  1. Things got better and now they're worse again. Can't wait to see what's comin' down the pike next.

  2. Curtis

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes... I had a good day (better since it was on a weekend.) I seeyou are a nature lover same as myself.

  3. May all your birthday wishes come true.

  4. _OC

    May all your birthday wishes come true.

  5. May all your birthday wishes come true.

  6. May all your birthday wishes come true.

  7. May all your birthday wishes come true.

  8. Happy birthday & may all your wishes come true.

  9. Happy birthday & may all your wishes come true.

  10. Welcome and thanks for the add. What type of writing and photography are you interested in Rev. Amber Celeste?

    My parents were married on August 16. LOL Just an all around good day for everyone - except Elvis, may he find peace.

  11. Dropped by to say hello ;-))

  12. Happy birthday RevMailet! May all your wishes come true.

  13. _OC

    Happy birthday wizard! May all your wishes come true.

  14. Happy birthday Matthew! May all your wishes come true.

  15. _OC

    Happy birthday & wish well!