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Everything posted by SilverRose

  1. into the dustpan of the first person who was expecting a crude reply...
  2. which was being argued about by Murph & Phil, as they tugged it between them, and then...
  3. putting on his Santa suit and fishnets for his...
  4. that Morrison sees all and knows all, but...
  5. Fawzo scribbling away on a pad of paper, writing the first draft for his new ULC Bible...
  6. While walking home at night, I looked to the sky and this one time, noticed a difference for the single star was not as it ever was before. And I remained silent, for I have no wishes left. Now, as I see myself through your eyes and I cannot bear the vision not knowing what to do with the broken rainbow It is the mirror-- and the mirror lies. My words, they are so near to you, yet far as you are not aware that they were meant for you. disconnected, still hoping you'll say that all is not lost Knowing it is too much to hope for. The star meant nothing-- but to take this breath into your hands and tell me there is more to life than this: Stars are for children-- and those who dare to dream.
  7. tree... where the Keebler Elf was baking cookies...
  8. in an unexpected puff of smoke, it was Wonder Woman...
  9. it's just that I can't create form anymore... but I sure do appreciate hearing from you two... it means even more BECAUSE it comes from you two... ((((((HUGS))))))
  10. and everyone cheered, because at first they thought the guy was...
  11. sang "Here he comes to save the daaaaayyyyyyyy...."
  12. ...and leave the next line of the story open for Fawzo who, apparently, managed to type faster than I...
  13. will the board's censor kick out "TMFI"? guess not
  14.'re making it clear that no one should ever accept a dinner invitation to YOUR house...
  15. I stopped writing poetry in 1985... didn't "pick up the pen" again til I came here to the forum a a few years ago... and found that I no longer have the ability that's just a note to anybody who thinks about setting their writing aside for awhile: don't!