Prayer of cosecration for communion,abrvd.

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Some years ago,there was a reprint of an old Book of Common Prayer./Church of England/


ISBN 0-8050-2284-8  Library of Congress Catalog Number:92-53129  /1st American Ed 1992Printed by Tien Wah Press  in Singapore,367pgs/


Its supposed to be a copy of a old 15th or 16th century edition.


Personally,I found the Episcopal 1979 version of the book of common prayer to be more lengthy,


So I then would go to this book for the High services,using the communion portion of this book,like anyone could...


   Prayer of consecration before handing out communion:


Almighty God,our Heavenly Father,who of thy tender mercy,


didst give thine only begotten Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption;


who made there by his one oblation of himself once offerred /a full ,perfect,& sufficient sacrifice ,oblation ,& satisfaction,

for the sins of the whole world;& did institute & in his holy gospel,command us to continue,

a perpetual memory of that his precious death,until his coming again;


Hear us O  merciful Father,we most humbly beseach thee;& grant that we receiving these thy creatures of bread & wine ,


According to thy Son our Savior Jesus Christs holy institution,in remembrance of his death & passion,may be partakers of his most blessed Body & Blood:

Who,in the same night that he was betrayed ,took Bread;& when he had given thanks ,he broke it

,& gave it to his disciples saying Take,eat,this is my body which is given for you

Do this in remembrance of me;

Likewise,after supper he took the cup,& when he had given thanks ,he gave it to them,saying

,Drink ye all of this;for this is my blood of the new Testament,which is shed for you& for many for the remission of sins:

Do this ,as oft as ye shall drink it ,in remembrance of me.   Amen


The body of our Lord Jesus Christ ,which was given for thee,preserve thy body & soul unto everlasting life.


Take & eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee,& feed on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving.


The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ ,which was shed for thee,preserve thy body & soul unto everlasting life .

Drink this in remembrance that Christ s Blood was shed for thee,& be thankful


.Amen ,is response; after,take communion...Then the Lords prayer after congregation takes communion /with communion hymns...


This also is abrev. form of communion after genl confession & absolution ,for last rites or,visitation of the sick,if they also want communion.

Another option is to letthe  person get anything weighing on their conscious talked out,if they wish ,or make a will,etc...


                                                                                                                                                                                                             Be Blessed,in the Name of the Father,& the Son & the Holy Spirit,Amen/





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There is supposed to be a n in the header on this,so I edited & now its showing up with the typo I edited in the 2nd copy


If they leave this one on here,I d like to say its a great book to get.


It has a burial service that one could read,apx 20 minutes.It has marriage ,baptism,catechism,morning & evening low services,that can be coupled to the communion for high services,& you can fit whatever music you like in as hymns...The Book of Common Prayer,Church of England.


Search engine :used book stores. youtube dot com has music of every sort,so,you could search church hymns as aalternate search there its free...Also,my other edit says,anyone coming to the site can use the last rites & communion anytime and for any reason they feel the need to avail themselves of said services...

Edited by revkhbostic
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