Embracing the Werewolf

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Hello all,

I have been a member since 2011, but I post infrequently. I have lurked more than I have posted. Initially I presented myself as full-on werewolf (sans physical transformation, of course). I softened my public position a little because I felt I might alienate people. I thought others would not bother to look at the "method" behind my "madness" (or lunacy if you will, connotation intended). But I have decided to embrace the werewolf and not dance around the issue. If anyone has questions about how I function as a werewolf, I will be happy to answer them. I also have made previous posts which explain my path. To avoid confusion, I would also mention that my current icon, a red pentagram, is a nod to its association with werewolves as "the mark of the beast." I am not a Wiccan, although my path is decidedly Pagan. (I do sometimes use a triskele as a symbol of Celtic Paganism.) In any case, I do not mind good natured ribbing, references to Twilight or dog biscuits, etc. But I just wanted it known that when I refer to myself as a werewolf, I am not joking. To me, some of the things that others believe seem as (or even more) fantastical than what I do. But I believe others are free to believe as they wish, and I hope I would be extended the same courtesy. BTW, I do not mean to give the wrong impression. This is a wonderful community here at the ULC Forum, and I have never encountered any real problems. Actually (in the past) my homosexuality provoked more of a reaction than my stating I was a werewolf :D 

Blessings of Lludd-Mars,

Bleidd Mawr (Great Wolf)



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If I understand your intent, you are taking the wolf as a role model.  A person could do worse.  The wolf is a profoundly loyal creature, faithful to mates, friends and family.  Wolves are known for hunting for their elders and the sick of the clan.  Did I miss anything?

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Hello Jonathan,

You are quite right. I take things a bit further in the scope of my spiritual path, but I am not asking that others endorse my beliefs in the metaphysical or supernatural. My path is what works for me, but I concede it may not make sense to others. I practice a form of Reiki influenced Celtic Shamanism. The wolf is my primary power animal, and I attempt to emulate qualities associated with the wolf. I practice shamanic journeying (comparable to astral projection) where I visit other worlds (planes of existence). On these journeys my spirit travels in the form of a wolf. While I choose to believe my spirit actually leaves my body, others may choose to believe I am visiting an internally created mental landscape. In any case, I find the practice to be beneficial :)

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14 minutes ago, Bleidd Mawr said:

Hello Jonathan,

You are quite right. I take things a bit further in the scope of my spiritual path, but I am not asking that others endorse my beliefs in the metaphysical or supernatural. My path is what works for me, but I concede it may not make sense to others. I practice a form of Reiki influenced Celtic Shamanism. The wolf is my primary power animal, and I attempt to emulate qualities associated with the wolf. I practice shamanic journeying (comparable to astral projection) where I visit other worlds (planes of existence). On these journeys my spirit travels in the form of a wolf. While I choose to believe my spirit actually leaves my body, others may choose to believe I am visiting an internally created mental landscape. In any case, I find the practice to be beneficial :)

It sounds like you have found your path.  It is good to have friends on the path.  Even when its not the same path.



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3 hours ago, Bleidd Mawr said:

Thank you, Jonathan. I totally agree :D 

I am interested in what others believe (or don't believe), and I feel that there are many paths equally as valid as my own. The universe is a big place, and there are many possibilities :) 

My studies in Reiki ,Qi Gong, meditation, etc. have made an impression on me.  I am not a materialist.  

The God vocabulary and symbolism don't work for me.  Not even Pantheism, which feels dishonest.  For this reason, I call myself an Atheist.  I generally call myself an Agnostic.  There is much that I don't know and probably won't find out.  That is alright.  I know that I don't know.  Its a start.  I don't need all the answers.  This is good, because I don't have them.

Well, to each their own.



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I work with a deity as a "spirit guide," but I do not worship any deities or consider them as authority figures. I fully believe that someone can be a spiritual and moral person without worshiping or believing in a God at all :) I feel I have found some answers, but not all the answers. And the answers I do have may work for me, but they may not work for anybody else ;)


Bleidd Mawr (Great Wolf)

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