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Vipassana style meditationa are practiced by many contemplative schools in the East. One of the advantages of this type of meditation is that you do not have to subscribe to any belief system. It has helped me slow down the thought process and helped me to express a more compasionate attitude toward myself and others.

Hermano Luis

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I am thinking of taking another 10 days in Norfolk, CA

For second timers it is a bit harder, no food after lunch because meditating with a full stomach is not a good idea.

Meditation is a lifelong and life changing practice.

And yes meditating on a full stomach is not the best. Not that there are any ill effects but your body uses energy to process food and this is why fasting can be a good thing to do from time to time. you will notice the difference in your meditation. It also explains why when you are sick you lose your appetite. While the body is fighting infection it is using all of its energy towards this process and to process food takes away from that energy.

You might try to continue your practice after the 10 day event. In ten days you are gettting just a little taste of the potential benefits of long term practice.


Edited by musicman153
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It is always best to take light meals when one takes the disciplines of meditation. I like to meditate early in the morning, later I take breakfast. I meditate after returning from work, and then I take my evening meal. During retreats in the mountains the discipline is very different, it is similar to the discipline of monastics.

The practice of Vipassana or any other contemplative practice is a dedication for life. It has been a blessing in my life.

Hermano Luis

Moriviví Hermitage

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