Doing Another One.

Dorian Gray

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I was asked a while ago to solemnize the wedding of a good friend of mine and her groom. It seems like forever ago, but tomorrow is the day. Heres to hoping my allergies dont flare in the middle of the service... Do you *sneeze* *blow nose* Carrie take *sneeze*....

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That's not as bad as having a cold and having a coughing fit as you are saying the part about "if anyone has just cause for this couple to not be married let them speak now or forever hold their peace...."

Back in my days working the altar as an acolyte, I will never forget the rector who loudly broke a long cloud of wind in the middle of a ceremony. :stinker: We literally had to evacuate the church and finish in the yard. :chase: That'll teach couples to never have chili for the rehearsal dinner! (Or was it beans at breakfast? Either way....)

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It was a nice service yestersday. The driving an hour and a half to drop off the paperwork kinda sucked.

Note: 1. I do not trust the USPS to actually deliever anything, ever and 2. The couple needed a copy of the certified filed copy for tuesday morning.

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