Prayrs For Our Soldiers And Public Servants On This Day.

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The Gentle Heroes

Within the realm of mankind there are those that exceed the expectations of the human soul, For they are the epitome of good will, and the extended hand of God, They come when called no questions asked, giving of themselves and

their time.

Neither for money nor fame, but only to serve their fellow man,

They believe themselves neither as heroes nor as gods,

But as simply doing their job.

Their answer to the calls of need is, how can I help.

Their answer to the danger is, it needs to be done.

Their answer to their death is, please take care of my family.

For there is no greater sacrifice then to give your life for another,

Yet they do so without thought.

Willing to leave behind their families for a stranger, Offering to give their life for someone not known, And once gone, their gentle souls committed to the ages

Never again to be replaced.

Let us never forget these perished men and women, Take one moment to honor their passing, For ours is the greatest loss of all. They lived to serve us,

And in death they are the gentle heroes we have loved and lost.

Let their memory shine forever, a monument to humanity.

© 2001 Michael Maczynski

Dedicated to those perished men and women

That have given their lives in the line of duty.

May your generous spirit live on in all of us.

May they all stay safe and come home soon!!!

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