An Ode To Donuts

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Oh donut who once held such magic

I look upon you now and you have lost it

For I have filled my face with your round pleasures

Tasted your icing your jam your fruit and your nut

And found you lacking

Oh donut who once held such magic

I look upon your glazed exterior and feel slightly ill

For I have taken your inner meaning to be more than it really is

I once believed you to be the indesputable king of confectionary

But now I know your are just a donut

You, small ex friend of mine

Have become something to me less than hole ( y )

For now I can take you or leave you on the rack

I can walk past you and not look back

I could go for weeks without your taste

I could even discard you , and leave you for waste

For you , ex friend of mine

Are merely dough with some jam , its blasphemy I know

But for the time being my old round ex friend

I prefer tortillas and avacado dip

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