A Pastor's Journey

Rev. Jon

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It started like any other day would start….

But this day would be different. Shortly after I received my ordination, let's just say that God moves when he is ready and you better hold on.

And after a normal day at work I had to go to a part of the city I normally don’t (35 miles one way). But this was the exception. I had an appointment.

Well, as I was on that side of town I showed up to the appointment and immediately upon showing the individual said they had to reschedule due to just getting called for being a witness in a court case. With the reschedule complete I departed slightly perplexed.

Now what was I suppose to do. It was one o’clock in the afternoon and my Chiropractor appointment wasn't until three.(Noting it would have wasted much more gas for me to go home and come back).

Then I remembered what the Manager at the local Christian Bookstore had told me that I had visited the previous weekend. You see, I was looking for a Pasor's/Church Log book to account for various ceremonies, which he did not supply but recommended "Longs Church Supply" in Norfolk, VA. Realizing I was very close and had the time I went headed that direction.

There it was! As I headed in the store, I began scanning all the isles for various items I may someday eventually use. AHHA! I found what I had been looking for and would recommend to you. If you too are like me looking for an official logbook other than a notebook I would recommend looking/asking for "Boyd's Church Record & Roll Book" it retails for approximately 30$US. This book truly has everything--log wise--you would need to account for, from weddings to funerals, from membership to baptisms... Check it out.

Now for the rest of the story, as the afternoon went on, my appointment came and went uneventfully, and proceeded home.

As I was heading home, I found myself praying and having a conversation with God. He told me I'm not done with you. Seek out the Church and I will help you to be a leader in it. On I went the little distance it took me to get home. But this time I took a different route.

To digress a moment….

Understanding that the Baptist Church close to my house we have attended a couple of times would not recognize my ordination or welcome it, and the AG Church we consider home a little further away likewise the same, I heard God tell me “Seek out a church closer and smaller.” Why was I putting denominations on it? “Didn't I say I was non-denominational?” I heard myself say.

Coming back to the story…

Getting closer to one church I had thought I was heading to I discovered what was once a buffet restaurant on the way was now in fact a Ministries(Church). I quickly stopped in. And in a brief flash I heard this little voice say "What if it is a black church" And as quickly as I said it I told myself to “Shut-up!” and "SO!" Why does it matter? It doesn’t….

With that I went to the door and rapped on it. No answer but I did see they were doing VBS that evening "God's Big Backyard" Interestingly enough... This is the exact same curriculum I had examined in the Logan’s a few hours earlier. Before that I had NEVER seen it.

I promptly headed home and shared the news with my bride.

To Be Continued….

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When I got home I promptly sat down with wife, as she told me she had a surprise..

I promptly held out my hands and closed my eyes, (Oh come on! You can’t tell me you don’t have kid moments too!) She then placed in my hands the mailer from ULC. To my astonishment and eagerness I opened it to examine the contents. As I ripped through it, I explained to my wife (who is also ordained now) my discovery of the smaller church and and that I would be heading there to check on things.

She happily and supporting said “Okay.” With such grace and understanding it actually surprised me a little bit, I embraced her and gently gave her a kiss.

Well as it got closer for me to go I realized she was not in any condition to go(still recovering from the ACL surgery), Well none-the-less I headed there....

Sorry guys will have to finish later....getting nauseus again (Had my septom surgery on Thursday) will continue next week. God Bless

Rev. Dr. Jon

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