Abandoned By The Sepherioth….

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Abandoned By the Sepherioth….

Oh so many ways it begs me to show you

How your dogma and sepherioth has abandoned you on this side

Pray to the Sepherioth and to the Son is what they say to be as one

Never taste of the fruit they stole

Never stray from his side, never break traditions of old

Never choke on a lie, or steal from his clergy on high many are told

He's the one that did this to you, as was wise

Never thought to question how or when or why

Give the glory to the sepherioth and to the Son is what they say to be as one

Not like you who spiked someone up against the sky

A spiteful spear in to his side from your dirty doubtful mortal hide

Talk to the Son stand by his side and see the reason for his external bleed of your pride

He knows the reason why so be not severely shy

Who did it all for you and wanted to be oh so very true went and died

Did it all for you on this side to keep you from the immortality that remains hidden in all the lies

All for you to be blameless and remain alive

You are the untrue reason why not to be at his side

Abandoned and alone you see are the reasons that the sepherioth can not know what you are to be

© Mwyncoop 2008

All Rights Reserved

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  Not murphzlaw1 said:
If it's meant to be parody or homage, you really should cite the original. Virgin Records aggressively litigates anything it considers to be an infringement of it's copyrights.

Show me the original one please so I can see it...... I did not know virgin records had this as lyrics...... :rolleyes:

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  Argonious_Son of Dante said:
Show me the original one please so I can see it...... I did not know virgin records had this as lyrics...... :rolleyes:
Large sections are lifted directly from Judith by A Perfect Circle. Whether the changes are sufficient to qualify as fair use would be debatable. Citing the original as inspiration for an homage or as basis for a parody would make the matter less debatable. It would also make it less plagiaristic.
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  Not murphzlaw1 said:
Large sections are lifted directly from Judith by A Perfect Circle. Whether the changes are sufficient to qualify as fair use would be debatable. Citing the original as inspiration for an homage or as basis for a parody would make the matter less debatable. It would also make it less plagiaristic.

well I for one am impressed how close they are. I have never heard of this song or the person who sang it. but if it will please whom ever I will call it a parity to the Sepheronic Rule of Lives.... I will most gladly aqueous to the original Judith by A Perfect Circle. My Apologies for my inherit misgivings that have been pointed out to me....

Edited by Argonious_Son of Dante
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