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The ultimate goal or level of Acceptance:

'God, grant me the serenity to Accept'

a person or situation As It Exists

In Its State of Existence

(without the need to or drive to

twist it apart to change it,

nor to analyze it,

nor to label or define it)

This is not the same as to

"go with the flow,"

nor to blindly or cowardly put an 'a-o-k' on

that which is wrong;

it is simply a matter of not allowing one's ego

to dictate or to even assume

that 'we' know what is best for others,

that it is 'our' place to run things,

that it is 'our' right to

put everyone and everything on 'our' terms.

We can enjoy a flower In Its State of Existence-

or we can tear it apart to see how it is put together and

how its system works,

try to plant it where we think it should be,

paint it a different color,

call it something other than a flower and

deprive it of sunlight-

and all that will be gained

is to destroy it.

Such is it is with ourselves,

other people,



better to Accept what exists

In Its State of Existence...

for what we seek to twist apart

and change

and analyze

and label-

we destroy.

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