There Is A Place Called Ideal

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There is a place called Ideal

Geography hallowed

Economy fallowed

And never a thought to conceal

There is a place called Ideal

Where poor folk breed

And slackers succeed

At living a life for real

There is a place called Ideal

Where rich folk come

All dressed as bums

To fit with the local appeal

There is a place called Ideal

Where the corner store

Now closed as before

Is a landmark under a seal

There is a place called Ideal

Where fat-cats play

Obscuring the bay

With all of their so-called zeal

There is a place called Ideal

Where locals in summer

Exclaim What a bummer

When all of these tourists congeal

There is a place called Ideal

Where the winter is peace

For the traffic will cease

But my fingers I cannot feel

©2007 Thomas L. Royce

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... That sounds good

Not quite good, just ideal. :lol:

BTW I thought the ending was a little harsh so I spit out another stanza after posting, but found my time to edit had expired.

Anyway, with the new stanza it reads:


There is a place called Ideal

Geography hallowed

Economy fallowed

And never a thought to conceal

There is a place called Ideal

Where poor folk breed

And slackers succeed

At living a life for real

There is a place called Ideal

Where rich folk come

All dressed as bums

To fit with the local appeal

There is a place called Ideal

Where the corner store

Now closed as before

Is a landmark under a seal

There is a place called Ideal

Where fat-cats play

Obscuring the bay

With all of their so-called zeal

There is a place called Ideal

Where locals in summer

Exclaim What a bummer

When all of these tourists congeal

There is a place called Ideal

Where the winter is peace

For the traffic will cease

But my fingers I cannot feel

There is a place called Ideal

Where despite the bad

I’m really quite glad

There is a place called Ideal

©2007 Thomas L. Royce

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