Rev. Richard Barnett

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About Rev. Richard Barnett

  • Birthday 03/05/1961

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    New Zealand

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  • Interests
    Life, faith, sunsets, sunrises, beautiful skies
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Non Deominational

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Rev. Richard Barnett's Achievements

New Friend

New Friend (3/17)

  1. My sincerest condolences to the Hensley family Lida may have left us in body but her spirit is all around us. With her life she guided others and will remain to do so with her spirit. My thoughts and prayers are for the Hensley family.... A the Maori people of New Zealand would say Ka kite ano - Until I see you again
  2. Just about all music apart from punk, heavy metal and jazz. i especially love gregorian chants and have only just recently got into modern religious songs mainly by Hillsong Church in Sydney Australia.
  3. Kia Ora from New Zealand. This year has been a tragic one for alot of people of all walks of life that I know. Twice this year I have been blessed and touched. These are the reasons I became ordained. Back in february this year my wife had a major nervous breakdown that put her into a mental health unit. Nobody was telling me anything, the Dr's todl me it was up to her to tell me what was going on, but she was the one who had, had the breakdown. It took me the lowest point in my life, I couldnt handle it anymore. I grabbed one of my martial arts swords which is extremely sharp and sat on my deck looking at the moon feeling for hte spaces between my ribs, aiming for my heart. Out of nowhere I said aloud "Jesus help me, give me the strength to get through this" without even realising it I woke the next morning in bed feeling calm and peaceful and realised that i had been heard. My wife got over her illness and made great roads to recovery. However I slipt back into my old non beliefs ways. On July 22nd 2006 I was hit with the headache to end all headaches.. I finally went to Dr 4 days later only to discover I had a brain anuerysm- and artery in my brain was leaking. I was flown to a major hospital. Due to the Dr's being busy I had to wait for a day and a half for my operation. In that time I asked the nurses to find me a chaplain. They were too busy and just forgot. Then in the early hours of the morning of the operation, I prayed asking Jesus for the strength to get through the operation in one piece. It was then I felt a presence calming me, relaxing me. The day I had my operation I was one of 4 ops done. 1 guy was left paralysed down his left side, the 2 others ended up not knowing who they were, where they were or anything. I woke up with a smile on my face making jokes. I am already back at work 2 months before I am supposed to be. I have been given the greeen light to drive again 3 months before I was supposed to be. I now know my prayers have been heard.... and I believe The Dr's did there bit for me, Jesus did his bit for me - Now it is my turn to do my bit for Jesus and whoever I can help.... Bless you all....