
In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Theresa

  1. There is an owl across the way Instead of hooting at night He's been hooting all day. I heard my name on the wind tonight It was in a low growling voice That gave me a fright. Goose-bumps raised upon my skin My entire being became alert. Slowly, silently I rose and went in. Theresa
  2. Views The vicissitudes of life Change us For better or for worse. You can think of it As lessons learned Or consider it a curse. Your attitude can be Considerate Or become short and terse. It all depends On how you want to be remembered. When you leave us in a hearse. Theresa
  3. I wrote this for you a long time ago and it still holds true: Reflecting On You Look at yourself through my eyes. I know that I'm an innocent in many ways, Not having been brought up in a crowded city Ignorant of the world that you've lived in. But you don't know the life I've lived, There are reasons I've been protected. Happiness does not always mean painless And you know little of how it's been. I can hear the hurt and pain in your voice. I am part of now, I can't change your past, I don't think that I'd want to if I could, But, together we can quiet the echoing din. Sanctuary is what you'll find here with me. It took years of hard work to find this serenity. The past doesn't die, it forms the future. I don't want to become your "could have been." Theresa
  4. Oh we went to court over the Creed incident back home. I won. But, they tried to claim that they never said anything to me about it. I fought them on freedom of religion as this is a meditation. It just went to prove how idiotic people run so many other peoples lives. I just seem to be the only person they run into that has any common sense and the courage to back it up. Theresa
  5. The Samurai Creed by: Diphara Buddha ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have no parents; I make the Heavens and the Earth my parents. I have no home; I make the Tan T'ien my home. I have no divine power; I make honesty my Divine Power. I have no means; I make Docility my means. I have no magic power; I make personality my Magic Power. I have neither life nor death; I make An Um my Life and Death. I have no body; I make Stoicism my Body. I have no eyes; I make The Flash of Lightning my eyes. I have no ears; I make Sensibility my Ears. I have no limbs; I make Promptitude my Limbs. I have no laws; I make Self-Protection my Laws. I have no strategy; I make the Right to Kill and the Right to Restore Life my Strategy. I have no designs; I make Seizing the Opportunity by the Forelock my Designs. I have no miracles; I make Righteous Laws my Miracle. I have no principles; I make Adaptability to all circumstances my Principle. I have no tactics; I make Emptiness and Fullness my Tactics. I have no talent; I make Ready Wit my Talent. I have no friends; I make my Mind my Friend. I have no enemy; I make Incautiousness my Enemy. I have no armour; I make Benevolence my Armour. I have no castle; I make Immovable Mind my Castle. I have no sword; I make No Mind my Sword. -------------------------------------------------------------- And to think Alaska's version of DHS came to my house and demanded that I stop teaching this to my kids! Today a public school teacher told me to stop letting my son read "Mysical Books" Theacher
  6. "The American Indian Movement, Northeast Woodlands, is calling for an economic boycott against ** Mountain Resort in Greenville, Maine, where activities of a recreational nature occur year-round. " Quote taken from the petition. Why do you think the word ** is bleeped out?
  7. To win a contest Mother/Father/God/Goddess I really want to win this contest. I promise I will do my best, Please supply the rest, And we will have great success.
  8. To get over being sick God/Goddess of your choice It is my will, To get over being ill, Please, help me to heal.
  9. A hard class Mother/Father/God/Goddess This is a very hard class, I'll try my best to the very last, Please, just help me to last.
  10. After a test Mother/Father/God/Goddess I've done my best, It's time to rest, Thank you for heelping me complete the test.
  11. Before a test Mother/Father/God/Goddess I've studied my best, I do not jest, Please help me to pass this test.
  12. Help with a bully Mother/Father/God/Goddess There's been a bully at school, Please teach him/her to be cool, That manners and co-operation really rule.
  13. Play time Good morning/afternoon/evening sun, All of my work and chores are done, Let's go play and have some fun.
  14. Snack time Mother Earth (or Goddess of your choice) Thank you for this snak, It is energy I lack, But, you will bring it back.
  15. Dinner time Mother Earth (or Goddess of your choice) Thank you for our evening meal, All day long you've helped me a great deal, It is your Great Love we feel.
  16. Lunch time Mother Earth (or Goddess of your choice) Thank you for my lunch, I really needed this noontime munch, To give my energy an extra punch.
  17. Breakfast time Mother Earth (or Goddess of your choice) Thank you for my breakfast, It will give me energy to last, And, make me as strong as a ships mast.
  18. At sunset Good night Sun, All day long we've been on the run, But, thank you for all the fun. Good evening Moon, I'm going to sleep soon, Let me rest well, I ask this boon.
  19. At noon We've made it halfway through, The things left to do are few, Thank you for energizing me anew.
  20. Getting up to start the day Good morning sun, I know you'll help me get things done, It's not all work, We can have some fun.
  21. I live in the Bible-belt and I don't want my kids to feel left out when there is a 5 mins. of silence or a time for silent prayer. I also want even the youngest to participate when we have family get togethers and such. So, I've written some easy to remember things for them to use - until they feel confident enough to write their own. Love, Theresa