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About reverendjoec

  • Birthday 02/04/1953

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  • Location
    Fremont CA

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  • Interests
    Unified Chaplains Association, Religion, Sci-Fi, 1:6 Scale minatures, 1:35 scale minatures, models, books,<br />history, swords.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    ULC, Diest

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  • Occupation
    IT Sr. Systems Engineer; Minister at Large; TV producer
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  1. All too often people are turned away by Clergy because they are "not of the faith" or they don't go to the right church, or they are Wiccans, or Pagans or Atheists. They are denied church weddings, christenings and other ceremonies that "People of Faith" i.e. Christian, Jewish, Muslim Hindu or other mainstream religions enjoy without a second thought. Sometimes they simply need an ear for thier troubles or a word of consolation or a recommendation on where to get needed help. I chose to become ordained as a non-denominational minister to have the ability to do these things for those who could find help nowhere else. I am also able to perform as a Deist minister, following my own beliefs and the beliefs of many like me. One day I hope to build a chapel where even an Atheist can sit comfortably next to a Believer in fellowship despite their differences in belief.