Rev. Chuck Baker

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About Rev. Chuck Baker

  • Birthday 12/10/1960

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  • Marital Status
  • Location
    Hardy, Arkansas USA

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  • Occupation
    Legal Services Broker
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Titled Friend

Titled Friend (4/17)

  1. I have been working hard with my full time job and my LegalShield business so I have been pretty busy.
  2. Hello Everyone, It has been a long while since I was here in the forums but I wanted to start coming in and seeing what was going on. I see there hasn't been a lot of activity here in awhile but maybe things will pick up. God bless you all.
  3. Rev. Chuck Baker-

    Good to see you back. We all hope things are going well for your area after this year's nature deluge upon the area.

    I hope you find interest in the many area of the forum!

    Blessings of Peace,


  4. Thank you all for your prayers. Daniel is doing better and may get to come home from the hospital some time today.
  5. Hello everyone. I need to ask everyone of you a favor. I would like you all to pray for my little Grandson Daniel. He is less then 6 days old and he has had to go back to the hospital. He has been running a fever and his white count is up. The are running tests on him and we won't know what the problem is for a few days. Please everyone keep him in your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you all informed of how he is doing. Thanks Rev. Chuck Baker