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Everything posted by RNClarkson

  1. About 20 years ago, after appearing before an entertainment convention during the long cross-country flight with a colleague, who remarked that he had become ordained and showed me his ULC card, explaining a few of the legal protections it had provided him in our particular entertainment career field as well as in personal social interactions, and he urged me to do likewise, but I had put it off due to my own superstitions as well as those traditions and dogmas that I had been raised with inside the mainstream church about required educational background for ministerial training. Then I started reading about the First Century Church and it's organizational structures, with leaders becoming such merely by sincerity, spiritual leanings and the laying on of hands by others. I also noticed a few high profile entertainers officiating at weddings, and then recently attended a local celebration in which the couple did not want a 'church' wedding and had one of their friends become ordained through an on-line ordination to officiate for them. So I searched, made a few wrong turns... finding the Monastery to begin with, followed by a more fundamentalist literal interpretation Christian group, until I finally found this site and recognized it as being the very one recommended by my traveling companion those many years ago. Like him I ordered the basic credential package. So who knows where this walk will eventually take me after that first step?