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About Jimmie1Walk

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  • Interests
    Discussing the Word of God.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Believer and Follower of Jesus Christ

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  • Occupation
    Volunteer Tutor
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  1. Can I get a little feed back on the topic of being born again is the renewing of the mind?

    Is the total renewing of the mind that important if a believer wish to change their ways, pick up he cross(have and display the character of a renewed soul) to show herself  or hisself a born again man,woman, girl or boy(teens) that d over?has trully crosse

    1. Pastor Dave

      Pastor Dave

      For me it seems that being born again is only the start of the renewing of the mind. A study of the word repent tells us that repentance is a changing of the mind. For me a total renewal of the mind is a process. It took (in most cases0 years to develop a bad mindset and it can take years to change that way of thinking. In my opinion, the conscious effort of being determined to renew your mind is the first step to changing the way we think.

  2. Welcome to the forum! It is our sincerest wish that you find the Peace and Happiness we all do in sharing our diverse Beliefs. We hope you'll find your way around through the many topics of your interest. Should you have any questions or help, please do not hesitate to ask. Blessings of Peace, Al

  3. Helping others with job training.

    1. RayCalculaMinistraDeGezza


      Nice, job training intrests me, got a Ticket to Work and can piss everyone off almost instantly. What might you comment about job training in Portland or Seattle for the crafted?

    2. RayCalculaMinistraDeGezza


      Fix this link, also need a discharge upgrade from UndeSIRable, 1977 USAF. Your URL

      http://http//www.vets.veted.us Doubled the http:// part. I can do JPL and fill in for these, "I the 'rightover', Aug 10, 2012 ... According to Lennon, Jack Parsons, founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratories and a Crowley disciple, conducted rituals at Devil's Gate with ... My ritual is hot choclate drinking and serving, http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2012/08/10 http://www.coasttocoastam.c...