mererdog thank you for your input. I really appreciate it and I agree with you. Actually, your suggestions are in line with my initial ideas for this program. Educational for ULC members. “If you could get a lawyer or three to do audience Q&As about marriage laws, liability insurance, confidentiality, use of honorary degrees, and tax issues, that should generate a lot of interest and be very helpful to a lot of people.” Informative for non-ULC listeners. “Panel discussions on topics like tolerance, religious freedom, government regulation of religion, and the like would seem to have promise.” Entertaining for all. “An essay series on "what my ULC ordination has done for me" might be fun and food for thought, as might a series where people read excerpts from their favorite inspirational works.” I had a few pages of notes to ask Murph about his duties as an admin and running the forum but being that this was my first show I just went where the spirit took us if you will I did not want to pry into Murph's personal life any more than he was willing to volunteer. He was very generous and this was all set up on just a couple private messages. He had no outline, no demo recording, and no communication outside of this board. A very BIG THANK YOU Murph! p.s. No pushing political agendas. Name calling of any elected official. General disrespect towards any elected official. Endorsing candidates or elected officials.