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About TodHeil

  • Birthday May 23

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  • Interests
    Blending Non-Duality with Christianity
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Unitarian Universalist

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  1. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  2. Those who've studied musical instruments will know practice with good technique makes perfect- to rephrase an old saying...the same goes for spiritual matters as well I feel. If what I'm doing lifts my spirit, brings me closer to what I perceive as God and hopefully that feeling extends out to others around me then something has been accomplished. All the questions can be answered with what do you feel is right and can it get you where you need to be.
  3. Those who've studied musical instruments will know practice with good technique makes perfect- to rephrase an old saying...the same goes for spiritual matters as well I feel. If what I'm doing lifts my spirit, brings me closer to what I perceive as God and hopefully that feeling extends out to others around me then something has been accomplished. All the questions can be answered with what do you feel is right and can it get you where you need to be.
  4. Thanks Rev. Mark for the tip! I'll post what happens after everything's said & done.
  5. Hello, I just recently became ordained. I apologize if this has already been asked...but the confirmation email I received from ULC of ordination be something I could print off and take to my local court house for registration? Thank you!