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Everything posted by cuchulain

  1. I was living in Southern Illinois still, but in a different area of Southern Illinois than I did for most of my life. I moved away from the home area briefly. Well, I wanted to move back. I worked at Walmart, so a transfer was easy. My Dad, I talked off and on to him over the years. Earlier in life we had difficulties, but since having kids I had spoken with him more and more and gotten along all right. He offered to put me up in his spare house that he usually rented out, said he had evicted the renters for not paying and didn't want the place to sit empty. I agreed, unfortunately. He came to Waterloo Illinois and helped us load up the trailer with our stuff. We had put in notice with the landlord, gotten everything on the leaving end squared away. Got to his place, and it wasn't empty...he said he was in the process of evicting the tenants and they would be out by the end of the month. Now a little back ground. I have a daughter who at the time was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and had to have brain surgery. This is about a week after moving me and the family of five into two guest bedrooms in a double wide trailer. A week after that, my Dad flies off the handle about something my significant other at the time did and shoved her down. I wasn't a pacifist at that moment, which I regret. We were thrown out of his house one week after my daughter had brain surgery and two weeks before Christmas. I didn't talk to him again.
  2. I was partially on topic...we were discussing the written word vs the spoken. We were debating the differences in biblical works, whether the message had been changed or not, as relates to the changes present in vocal works. The last piece could be seen to be directed at the poster, and probably is perceived that way. It was not intended to be any more than an observation that we are all ignorant of the original manuscripts of the bible, since they haven't been found. Apologies if it came off negatively towards someone in particular.
  3. I don't mind being wrong. It helps me to learn. I was reading something recently, but I can't remember what. In any case, it was discussing people who view reality as absolute, vs people who view reality as subjective to the beholder. I began to think maybe reality is simply both at the same time. Maybe there is an objective reality, and maybe there is also a subjective reality that impacts it. I don't say impacts it to the point of being able to do away with it or rewrite it, but impacts in some manner.
  4. is a persons life not difficult enough without us placing roadblocks in each others paths? deliberately making someones journey more difficult should be a sin i think.
  5. you can compare lies against the ORIGINAL letter but not the hand transcribed one if you dont have access to the author. so show the original writings of Corinthians and let's see all the changes....oh wait, we only have hand copies. okay, let's interview the transcriber...oh wait, they were anonymous... how do we know it was accurate again? but really, you debating that it's not been changed is ludicrous. read kjv then niv Corinthians 13 13 for 100% proof of change. but you still refuse to admit it? now who is ignorant?
  6. my ignorance may be there. but what of the ignorance of the masses of people who know even less, even though God allegedly wants them to understand his perfect message? why, if you can, wouldn't you make your message clear for everyone?
  7. If they were written several hundred years apart by people who never knowingly met each other, then they were NOT EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS. Statistically impossible.
  8. Yep. Grammar trolling is what it has devolved into.
  9. when all else fails attack the grammar...
  10. if eye witnesses get it wrong then the eye witness accounts of the bible are inherently flawed as well.
  11. because you cant explain it, it must be God? that's poor logic, because as we explain things your God shrinks.. not knowing something doesn't mean insert random answer, it means find the answer.
  12. If you claim the original text was agape, you are the one with the burden of proof. Not I. That's basic logic. And the problem? The only way to prove that the original text said that is to present the original text. Care to do that? Now, I have presented simple evidence that the scripture HAS BEEN CHANGED. Regardless of looking it up and comparing it, the wording in the KJV vs the wording in the NIV is simply different. Plain and simple. It is different. There is your proof that it's been changed.
  13. Hearing something from three liars does not make it more likely to be true. However, in the case of written works, at the least you can see that they did not fabricate the previous message, that they are not lying about that being what has been written down. Now, in the case of the bible, you have the problem of not having the original manuscripts, so you cannot compare to the originals. You can compare to some pretty old copies, but that just might be where the lying came in, now might'n it.
  14. I can certainly understand that mindset as I used to have that going, but I think lately I have been trying to think things through independently, that is decide if I think it is right or wrong, if I think I have enough money or property, and so forth. In thinking this way, it makes me question how I ever got along worrying about other people so much of the time before.
  15. i think people should decide for themselves rather than rebel against something. why justify a position with someone else's?
  16. i think it's leaning towards that, especially when I take my kid to school and see the set up they have these days, and watch TV with my kid and see the cartoons about kids talking about problems instead of having conflict. does anyone else remember transformers or g i joe? i think it's a response to the escalated media coverage of violence involving kids which has always happened but was previously not as publicized, in part anyway.
  17. i think a lot of people are programmed to think they are the center of the world and consequently have trouble realizing that just because they have a gut reaction to something doesn't mean it's a correct reaction. in school I was often told that during tests the initial thought about the answer was usually correct. i think they are right about tests but wrong emotionally speaking, yet that type of programming hangs around.
  18. I am beginning to think we fell for Trolling again...
  19. I liked it the way I heard it in the movie short circuit. Draw a circle on the ground, throw up all the money and what God wants he keeps.
  20. The hypocrisy is what bothers me about it as well. Christians will get someone to be the figurehead and tell everyone that it's a secular display. But when they look in the mirror at night, there is no way they aren't telling themselves their winning one for God.
  21. I think the Buddhist understanding is that through desire we suffer. The cause of our suffering in interactions with others most often arises out of unsatisfied desires of the outcome of those desires. In other words, we build anticipation, and thus disappointment.
  22. I fully understand the frustration of dealing with something as part of the job, and basically being handcuffed in order to do so. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't. Usually both at the same time. The situation is untenable. We need to rethink it thoroughly and figure out a way to change the situation itself so that this type of thing doesn't happen, or at least so that if it does the key players involved are prepared with some sort of plan. And I think the primary element of this is not including public opinion.
  23. in my former town a teacher hit the news because they had a severe problem student who would hurt themselves and the teacher made a special padded room to lock the kid in, then left the kid in for several hours. the cause is understandable but still that particular behavior is not acceptable for a teacher, who definitely needs to be given a better option.
  24. i think more peace of mind came to me when I realized I had been following others instead of leading myself, even that my "nonconformity" had ultimately been a vaneer that covered who I am. there is much wisdom in the words of others, but it must be processed internally and adapted to fit the self before we can reap the benefits of it, i think.