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  1. I know that, just like on Christmas Eve, folklore dictates that devils and demons are supposed to be out on the prowl the night before Easter. But unfortunately I am here working the graveyard shift at the mental hospital rather than out wreaking havoc. Anyway, after a brief morning nap I am going to a cookout with my Christian family members. Dad decided to have hamburgers and bratwurst insted of ham this Easter .
  2. I hesitate to assume the role of persuading anyone into rebellion, (mainly because that is what I am expected to do ), but if angels can rebel against the status quo in Heaven, then I think an adherent of New Age philosophy can excercise her free will to break the cycle of reincarnation. Just tell the Lords of Karma that the Devil made you do it . BTW, thanks for posting this topic. I believe there are multiple paths and probably multiple destinations. My Heaven/Hell dimension is just one of many such places. There are other dimensions that certainly could be populated by noncorporeal,multidimensional extraterrestrials. I have encountered other spiritual entities traversing the astral who I initially thought were angels/demons but who were something entirely different, perhaps the extraterrestrials in your post .
  3. It is not incompatible with my belief system. I prefer the terms angels, demons, and gods when describing multidimensional entities, but the term extraterrestrials is not incorrect. I consider myself an angelic/demonic entity in a human incarnation. I would not find it implausible that there are other multidimensional beings (incarnate as humans) who may be of extraterrestrial origin. The main distinction I would make between myself and them is that I did not originate on any particular planet or other physical location in the universe, but from a nonphysical dimension, be it called Heaven or Hell. (This is my first fleshly incarnation anywhere. I have past "life" memories of existing with others like myself in angelic/demonic form in this other dimension. After I am done here, I shall once again assume angelic/demonic form and have no plans for further physical incarnations. Walking instead of flying or teleporting, catching colds, and the physical aging process leave much to be desired .)
  4. I appreciate the sentiment (about slapping the teacher), but I have learned to overlook alot of those situations. She was a product of her upbringing and the prevalent viewpoint in the microcosm in which she lived. Without some type of catalyst to challenge her beliefs, people like her just perpetuate what they were taught. Years ago I worked with a 62 year old Pentecostal nurse who had been brought up with a Fundamentalist world view. But after having a tragic death in her immediate family and years of dealing with her adult children who had addiction issues and legal problems, she had learned compassion and tolerance. She said that too often people are gulity of focusing on a neighbor's sin (mote in his eye) so they don't have to focus on their own (beam in theirs). Whether she agreed with something or not, she felt that it was for her God to judge, not her personally. I often wonder if my Sunday School teacher would have maintained her strict beliefs if she had experienced some event or situation that "rocked her boat" as it were.
  5. In many ways Satanism is far more accepting than Christianity. As a teenage homosexual in the1980's I was certainly not accepted by mainstream Christianity. I sat in a Sunday School classroom in Georgia where my teacher (who did not know I was gay) said with a smile on her face, "If we are to do what the Bible says, we should stone them (homosexuals) to death."
  6. Welcome to the forum! We hope you find everything you seek while venturing down your path. Please post when you can as this is a forum for all beliefs and we genuinely look forward to hearing from you. Blessings of Peace, Al