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About Heartfelt

  • Birthday June 23

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  1. Hello everyone, my name is Melanie. I'm a german writer. I became ordained on the 5th of October this year. By accident I found out about the ULC. I would call myself an atheist, but not a non spiritual person. There is more in this world than we are able to see or maybe even understand. But I wouldn't call that god. Nevertheless it's very important to me to respect all believes and concepts of life as long as they are peaceful. To be an ordained minister means a lot to me. All my accomplishments in my life are in the past. I can have my diploma on the walls but they are not saying much about the person I am now. But the Credentials of Ministery from the ULC which is hanging on the wall says a lot about the person I'm now and the person I want to be. It reminds me, that I want to be a better person. That I always have to question what is right, what I do, even what I think. Being a good person is my goal. Of course that means to help other people but it also means to me to always work on myself to become a better person. That also means to understand. The people around me as well as myself. At the moment I'm reading the bible completely. The koran and other religious texts shall follow. Because I want to understand. That includes motivation through religion. I believe that faith can make someone strong. It can be support in hard times and give stability through life. That's also why I'm always happy when I know that someone has a strong faith in something (peacefully). However, every religion has it's wisdom and I hope to that I can learn from it. Unfortunately the ULC is not recognised in Germany. I would very much like to perform marriages, but even if the ULC would be recognised here, no Church (not even the catholic) is allowed in Germany to perform legally recognized marriages. I'm so happy to have found the ULC. It's a place where I really feel I belong. I always believed that we are all equal and that no faith and no way of living is better than another one. I believe in the good of every human being and that we're truly one. From the heart I wish all of you happiness and wisdom to do that which is right. Melanie
  2. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

    1. Heartfelt


      Hello Al,

      thank you very much for welcoming me. I hope my english will be good enough for participating in some interesting discussions.
