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About Umbraedeus

Helpful Information

  • Gender
  • Marital Status
    Gay, it's complicated.
  • Location
    The Tampa Bay Area of Florida

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Vampires, Reiki, spirit mediumship, cartomancy, crystallomancy, Gothic Rock, New Wave, Alternative Rock, horror movies, horror novels, fast food, junk food, Southern cooking, seafood, Coca-cola, sweet iced tea, tropical drinks, Halloween
  • Doctrine /Affiliation

Other Details

  • Occupation
    former Psychiatric Intake Counselor

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My Personal Page

I am a psychic or energy Vampire, a spirit medium, and a dark god incarnate. I could be called an incubus because I primarily feed during romantic encounters, but I am also able to draw energy from elemental sources such as thunderstorms, full moons, and ocean waves. I do not suffer from a leaky energy body, malfunctioning chakras, or any other metaphysical medical condition. Although I fall within the general category of psychic Vampires, I am specifically an astral Vampire. I intentionally feed through the agency of my astral body which is fully intact. I can feed both when my astral body resides within my physical one and when astral traveling (astral projecting). Since my astral body is intact, I do not weaken between feedings. I feel superhuman when I feed, but I just feel normal when I do not. I do get urges to feed, but they eventually pass if I am unable to do so. In my current incarnate form I am a Reiki master/teacher and a spirit medium. I have been able to communicate with ghosts and spirits since I was a child, and I feel that the practice of Reiki enhances my mediumistic abilities as well as my skills at energy manipulation. It is my belief that I am a god incarnate as a psychic Vampire. I use the term god to mean an immortal spirit of nonhuman origin (although some would probably label me a demon). I believe that prior to this incarnation I have existed for countless millenia in noncorporeal form. I may have manifested in a temporary physical form to interact with the material plane, but I have not previously been born into this world to live a lifetime as a mortal. The Vampire subculture has adopted the Egyptian ankh as its primary symbol (largely due to the influence of Anne Rice in my opinion). I wear a silver and ruby ankh pendant as a display of Vampiric identity.