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About Umeko

Helpful Information

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  • Location
    this green Earth

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    I am a born and raised New Englander. I spend my time selling handmade goods on Etsy, seamstress work and volunteering for animal groups . I am married and we have three pets. I love to bake, love tea and muffins, reading and learning Japanese.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    interfaith 'goodness'

Other Details

  • Occupation
    artisan, crafter, sometimes graphic designer

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo

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  1. Welcome to the forum! We're pleased you decided to join our growing family of friends and ever so look forward to getting to know you. We're always happy to have new perspectives that give us all something to ponder. You will need to make at least one post to respond to a PM, why not take a moment to introduce yourself to the group now? Blessings to you and yours,

    1. Umeko


      Hello and thank you for a warm welcome. I'm a crafty type girl who is always making things. I love to help others with guidance or something small I know they'd greatly apprechiate. I grew up with a big extended family and my husband and I have moved around some. I became interested in ULC when I learned I could become ordained and volunteer my time for others. My family always taught us we had a lot going for us even when we were poor. My grandfather would tell me volunteering my tim...

    2. Umeko


      -> (continued) my time or leanding a helping hand to others was a form of missionary work. He encouraged us to help without expectations, and I do that to this day.