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About edstrick

  • Birthday 12/30/1981

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  • Location
    Maxton, NC

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  • Occupation
    Law Enforcement

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Registered User (1/17)

  1. Headed out to UNCP on this cold and beautiful morning! Hopefully the cold weather will keep them in check! LOL Have fun, stay safe, and God Bless You All!

  2. Have you gotten your red and white bike yet? If you hadn't then you probably haven't asked for it.

  3. Somewhere a cop is being yelled at for taking too long to get there; trying to save the life of a total stranger; holding his bladder because his MDT just went off; starving because he missed a meal; having to keep a stone face at an accident scene where there's 2 dead kids; and now its 4 am, and he's missing HIS family while taking care of YOURS. Re-post if you are a cop, or appreciate a cop

    1. Stormson


      Somewhere a cop is tasering a 10 year old girl or 90 year old grandmother for the crime of acting as if they where free...

    2. Stormson
  4. Just realized the 2 most obvious places to get killed in a car crash in Pembroke. The Post Office PVA and Piggly Wiggly PVA!

  5. MIDDLE AGE TEXTING CODES: ATD-at the doctor. BFF-best friend fell. BTW- bring the wheelchair. BYOT-bring your own teeth. FWIW-forgot where I was. GGPBL-gotta go, pacemaker battery low. GHA-got heartburn again. IMHO-is my hearing aid on? LMDO-laughing my dentures out. OMMR-on my massage recliner. ROFLACGU-rolling on floor laughing & can't get up. TTYL-talk to you louder! LOL-last one limping. SSCC-Social Security Check Came. Repost to share a laugh!!

  6. Something's you take for granted; a good meal, a roof over your head, family and friends, a job, a vehicle, etc. But the one thing that we forget so much about and take for granted, is what was done 2,011 years ago. Lord Have Mercy, Please!

  7. Let's start a flash mob of GROWN UPS roaming around with belts; any juveniles that we see out of line just start whipping their behinds. Doing drive-by whoopings! Just drive up,jump out the car and start tearing their behinds up OLD SCHOOL style! Didn't...I...Tell...You..Not...To...Be...In...The..Streets..Acting...Like...You...Were...Not...Raised..Better!! Repost if u agree!!!

  8. Chicken and Rice, Chicken Salad, Corn Bread, and Kool-Aid. LOL! Getting burnt-out with Tea!

    1. Rev. Justice Rivermyst

      Rev. Justice Rivermyst

      Corn bread and Kool-Aid? I always thought a nuclear meltdown would happen if those two met each other..

  9. R.I.P. Greene County Deputy David Dawson. And to NCDOC Probation Officer Jeffery Settle. GO HOME AND REST GENTLEMEN! YOU SERVED US PROUD!

  10. FB Husbands: Is there any such thing as a woman that is "On Time"?

    1. Rev. Justice Rivermyst

      Rev. Justice Rivermyst

      I'm always there an hour beforehand. (: I don't know about other women, though.. I might have to agree with you, though. lol

  11. Welcome to the forum Ed Strick, I hope you find our little family of friends to be warm and inviting. Take a gander around the topics and chime in! Hope to hear from you.

    Blessings of Peace,

    Reverend Al