Mr Jenkins

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About Mr Jenkins

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    Teaching God's children the ways of His word via the Bible. Graduated Liberty University 1982.
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  1. In other words RevAl, you have your own religion. You have tried to interfere with the teachings of our religion. Please do not.

  2. Odhinnist are associated with Wiccans, thusly are associated with witchcraft. Witchcraft and anything to the liking are banned by the Christian Holy Bible. If RevAl wanted to help. he would encourage the proper teachings of the Holy Bible instead of interfering with a Christian teaching another Christian the proper and only way to salvation according to the Christian belief system.

  3. ...why would you want to be a Member of this forum?

    Blessings of Peace, Prayers of Healing,


  4. I can assure you that I am no "Satanist" here Mr Jenkins. If that is your opinion, fine, but making such an inflammatory statement on another person's profile, is not following the Christ's teachings either, my friend.

    Many here follow God's word and the Christ's teaching without disrespecting others beliefs. If your statement is really how you feel about ULC,...

  5. -at- RevAl, you are not following the rules. You are not to interject or push your own POV on other faiths. As a mod, you are to know this. You are Odhinnist Universalist? Please be kind and keep your thoughts to yourself. Thank you so much and I pray for you.

  6. -at- RevAl, the Holy Bible is not a POV. Of course you don't feel what Christians feel. You would have to be one first. I quote directly from the Holy Bible and you say," I do not believe you've been given the greatest of advice on this subject!

    " That's nice to know. Great advise you can give is to ignore God's words. Then be the serpent that leads the flock to Sa...