Minister James

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Everything posted by Minister James

  1. is reading "Mystery of the Cathedrals" by 'Fulcanelli'.

  2. I became ordained after a long period of indecision. I have spent most of my life studying many religions and beleifs, especially so called alternative ones. I have also bounced around from church to church trying to find something that seems right but none of them ever worked for me. My studies have varied from ancient egyptian/babylon/paleolithic/zoroastrianism/greek/shamanism/roman/mayan/celt and just too many to mention. A lot of my beleif systems are intertwined with ancient myths, anthropology, archaeology, pre-history, and many things I have learned from a scientific perspective as well as spiritually. I became a ULC minister so I can now legitimately and officially continue along the path that the universe has set down before me and perform a service to fellow like minded individuals. I would like to help them in any way I possibly can and DO WHAT IS RIGHT because the universe is love and WE ARE ONE. On a personal note, Im really looking forward to some hand-fasting ceremony's. Wont be setting up the priory just yet