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About revlafay

  • Birthday November 19

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    Goddess Gaia and her many cycles,
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Goddess trad,Pagan

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My Personal Page

The old religion

The universe is ruled by one all-encompassing and infinite intelligence The great Goddess

The mother and giver of all.

In her various aspects of mother maiden and Creatrix or Crone, remained supreme until the Dorian takeover

During which time female and male was Equal standing ,the woman being the head of the household.

The primary priestess .

Then came along the Hebrew myth builder and wrote the Hebrew Bible.

Then men began to conquer take over all things divinely scared and deemed feminine in nature,

Now they view woman as a belonging or property.

Tock away all their importance as human. Just so they would honor and obey men as their superiors .

Christian -Ideas as Original Sin and religious Mythology in which the ranking God, above men and men above woman, children and Nature is presented as divinely Ordained *

My belief is in the divine mother Goddess as our creator .

My ministry mission statement

To bring truth to those who will listen and invoke change in ones self.

To return worship back to the divine Mother. The Old Religion !!!

my web site

Hi, I have created a forum come and have a look :