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Valued Friend (5/17)

  1. Cosmo,

    Sorry I haven't answered you sooner...been out of touch for for the picture, I've tried everything to download it to no avail. If you can click and copy it from my profile go for it.

    As to "where" I got it, it's been so long it could have been one of the following:

    I have tho...

  2. I have the same problem, bold and such will not work
  3. blinks & thinks

  4. Oh donut who once held such magic I look upon you now and you have lost it For I have filled my face with your round pleasures Tasted your icing your jam your fruit and your nut And found you lacking Oh donut who once held such magic I look upon your glazed exterior and feel slightly ill For I have taken your inner meaning to be more than it really is I once believed you to be the indesputable king of confectionary But now I know your are just a donut You, small ex friend of mine Have become something to me less than hole ( y ) For now I can take you or leave you on the rack I can walk past you and not look back I could go for weeks without your taste I could even discard you , and leave you for waste For you , ex friend of mine Are merely dough with some jam , its blasphemy I know But for the time being my old round ex friend I prefer tortillas and avacado dip
  5. Hello RevAl ..

    Yeh the tattoo's have meaning for me indeed

    They were done by a man called Darwin Atcheynum in Canada. He is also creates ceremonial clothing for his tribe of the Cree , amazing clothes that are used in pow wows. He does carvings to from soapstone , which are quite beautiful and allways have a really thoughtful story behind them.

    When we went to

  6. Cosmo,

    Love the ink! It is a personal "custom" design or? any significance? curious as I have been a tattoo artist for 30+ years...

