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Everything posted by AngelsOfHope

  1. Hey, RabbiO!

    Thanks for the visit. Y'all come back now, y'hear?

  2. Hi, everyone... new here... I guess I'll start with this post. Mainly, I got ordained by the U.L.C. because it was the best means to my end. I wanted to make a change in society and culture, for the benefit of all mankind. I figured I could do this best by preaching the Gospel, and fulfilling the ministry of Christ. Of course, nobody will listen to just some guy; but I didn't want to have to sit through a bunch of business classes for recognition of a calling from God, by man. If I need man's recognition to get people to listen to me, I'd like it to be as easy to get as possible. The ULC offers free, completely legally binding ordination, for life. I just couldn't pass up that opportunity. I might not agree with some things the ULC mainly accepts, but our goals are the same: to do only that which is right in the eyes of the Lord, as Moses says in Deuteronomy, and Joshua says in his book. Until next time... ~D~