Rev. Magus Adam

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About Rev. Magus Adam

  • Birthday 04/10/1971

Helpful Information

  • Gender
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  • Location
    Coeur d'Alene, ID

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    Esoteric and Occult studies, Chaos Magick, Kabbala, Real magick and the followed traditions of the world connected to Real magick. Herbalism, Alternative medicine, Buddhism, Taoism, Alchemy, Astrology, Jungian Psychology, Strange History: Like what makes a people want to move large stones, hundreds of miles to make a circle. They could have put it up right next to the stone quarry, BUT NO!
    Science frontier, Ancient fighting arts, Yoga, Writing, Walking, Trying to figure out this human thing, and just fitting in.
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Pagan/ other

Other Details

  • Occupation
    Caretaker & High Wizard
  • Website URL

Rev. Magus Adam's Achievements

Valued Friend

Valued Friend (5/17)

My Personal Page

I have my on philosophy which I follow; if it fails me I only have myself to blame, not some innocuous God/Goddess thing.

I have studied a number of religions and philosophies and from them I have concluded, people don't want to be wrong, and they just want to feel good.

I'm practicing Magick and Occult stuff as a hobby rather than a way of life.

One of my main goals before I'm forced to move on from this existence is to get a few books published.

I don't like Party talk or parties for that matter. During these party things, people believe they'll get to know a person by asking, "So...What do you do?"

My identity is not my work. If I were to invest my identity into a career and suddenly my job is gone, then a part of me would be too. That's not healthy.

Equally, I don't think a few lines of text would describe "Me".