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Everything posted by vicar4satan

  1. I felt a calling to be ordained. I like to help people who are new to Theisitic Satanism and regularly answers emails from seekers via my outreach programme. As a Minister I feel it gives me more legitimacy plus being a ULC Rev helps to dismay the myth that all Satanists are anti-christian etc
  2. Having never been to a ULC service, I can't really imagine what it would sound like. Would you used "God" as a Generic term for what memebrs of the congrigation would view as their God? ( Hope that makes sense)
  3. Good to hear from you too Pete. I hope your well :o)

  4. At the moment I am using my ordination to help people who are intrested in Theistic Satanism. I have an outreach programme where people with questions regarding their journey can ask me.