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About InkInsight

  • Birthday 12/12/1980

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  • Occupation
    Mother of 3, wife of U.S. Army Soldier, servant of God
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InkInsight's Achievements

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New Friend (3/17)

  1. Asking prayers, positive energy, good vibes, etc - my 3 y/o son is going to have surgery in less than a week. Thanks in advance. -C

  2. Asking prayers, positive energy, good vibes, etc - my 3 y/o son is going to have surgery in less than a week. Thanks in advance. -C

  3. Happy New Year's everyone!! Blessings to all.

  4. Merry Christmas or Happy whatever you believe in this weekend!!!! Have a good one!!!!

  5. Bible study the rest of the night. Love & light to all.

  6. Grocery shopping - a bother that's a blessing. Have a great week everyone. Love and light to all.

  7. Need prayers please. Hurtin. Not gonna be on much today. Tx. -c

  8. Bbbbbbbbbbbbb!!!!! ...cold....

  9. Got some work to get done tomorrow including some crafts to make & post for sale.Nite guys.

  10. Lookin for new friends - hit me up!! :)

  11. Good morning - love and light to all!! :)

  12. Good morning - love and light to all!! :)

  13. FB, ULC, FB, ULC, FB, ULC.... OCD!!! K, gotta go to bed. Nite!!loll

  14. FB, ULC, FB, ULC, FB, ULC.... OCD!!! K, gotta go to bed. Nite!!loll

  15. I feel comfortable here because like if I'm on Facebook, I have friends who are athiests or Universalists or "I'm too old to believe in imaginary people-ist" (yes, I have a friend that says thats her religion,lol. All that is fine but if religion is remoetly brought up, it starts a MASSIVE NASTY controversy among friends who bring on personal level insults (or friends of friends or aren't mutual friends blah blah blah). I post religious things from my other pages on my sewing page that I have on there and on my personal page, but alot of times I make it where it doesn't show up on some of my friends pages because I don't want to deal with the unnessacary flak. Here I can talk and not worry (too much) about being bashed without having someone back me up or step in and say 'ok - back off, it was an opinion' and I appreciate that.