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Here is one that I saw, The Apple

Welcome to 1980's prediction of what the future involving a music company's takeover of the world might look like according to the creator and director Menahem Golan. The movie starts off showing several different national flags with crowds of screaming people rushing towards the World Vision song festival. Minutes later it cuts into a scence of a performance done by Pandi and Dandi (I know, really sad names here), who are singing on behalf of the BIM Corporation. The song they are singing no less is called the "BIM" song. Needless to say the crowd loves them and sings along with the performance. Meanwhile Mr. Boogalow (who is really the Devil), more on that later, arrives with his entourage to see how the contest is going and what competition if any Pandi and Dandi are up against. The contest is rated by the heartrates of the audience (ok think on this one-the monitor looks really cheesy, like something from the origianl Star Trek series that beeps, like the original Star Trek communicaton badges).

Ok so the crowd goes wild and the end of the performance for Dandi and Pandi. But wait...the next group-a duo from Moosejaw Canada arrives (Alphie and Bibi) to perform "Universal Melody" a romatic ballad. At first the crowd hates it but slowly they start to get into it and the girls start crying! Shake (Mr. Boogalow's right hand sleeze) tells his boss not to worry. But the duo surpass Pandi and Dandi's performance so Mr. Boogalow prompts a tape to be played over the music with horrible high pitched noises. The crowd gets mad and starts throwing things at the duo-sending Bibi running off the stage crying.

Lets speed this up shall we. Mr. Boogalow throws a huge party in honour of Pandi and Dandi's (and BIM's) success at winning the music festival. He we note that Mr. Boogalow's creative genius behind all the merchandise he sells, Ashley, introduces the BIM mark. A holographic, shiny sticker in the shape of a BIM triangle you can stick ANYWHERE. Most however, like Mr. Boogalow wear it on their foreheads. He invites Bibi and Alphie (who show up, more or less against Alphie's wishes).He does not like Mr. Boogalow from the start and prefers not to trust him at all but Bibi convinces him to go neverless. Once there Bibi is seduced by all the glamour...and by Dandi, who in turn croons out a love song to Bibi called "Made for Me". Alphie is not impressed! They are invited to Mr. Boogalow's office (Boogalow International Music) to talk about a music contract the following day.

Ok. They go to the office and wait a really long time to get in to see Mr. Boogalow. What follows first is a production number involving a lot of dancing, circus looking characters and Boogalow and Shake singing along in the number. Don't get me started on Shake, all I can say is ugggh. They eventually enter the office to find contracts already to sign and lawyers standing by to make sure all the t's are crossed and the i's dotted. Bibi is in heaven but Alphie keeps telling her to slow down and open her eyes. A song starts up called "The Apple". Dandi sings it while parading around in a thong holding the sacred huge apple. It is really corny. The jist of it being like Adam and Eve. Tempting Bibi to take a

bite of the apple. Well she does and she's hooked. Poor Alphie. He sees Mr. Boogalow for what he really is, the Devil, and storms out without Bibi. Now Bibi is part of the BIM family, with a new makeover (very Jem and the Hologramish), and new sound and new look! During her makeover is my favorite song by Boogalow himself called "How to be a Master". Later Bibi makes her first hit "Speed", a high paced song about America and its need/addiction for speed.

What of Alphie? Well he can't find work, rents from some old lady landlord who he bribes out of the rent by charming her and singing his new songs too. She feels bad for him, lets him hang around a bit longer, and encourages him to talk to Bibi. He tries but Boogalow's men make sure he leaves her alone by fixing his face. Afterward a duet starts up between seperate shots of Bibi(who now regrets leaving him) and Alphie (who feels he's lost her) called "Cry for Me". Not my favorite song.

Alphie desperate goes to Mr. Boogalow at one of his famous parties to tell him to let Bibi out of her contract. Cutting to the chase he asks Alphie to ask Bibi is she wants to be let go. Pandi meanwhile gets Alphie a drink, or her "usual". The idiot drinks it, becomes drugged and is lead to a bedroom by Pandi who seduced him and then, know. Afterwards he gets up and wobbles, as quickly as he can, to get out of there. Seeing Bibi in bed with Dandi on the way out. Lovely huh?

Well at this point Alphie hits bottom and is woken up in a park by a hippy man with a huge gray beard. He tells Alphie to join him and his hippie family under the bridge which he does. Meanwhile Bibi is miserable and depressed and surprisingly Pandi tells her to go to Alphie, that he truly loves her. With Pandi's help she leaves and tries to encourage Pandi to come along but Pandi, already to far gone stays behind and sings a song called "I found me". Yah you found me fast forwarding this part, lol. Anyway Bibi after learning from the old lady landlord that Alphie is hanging out with the bums under the bridge goes looking for him. She meets the gray haired hippie who takes her to him while singing "Child of Love". Alphie and Bibi reunite and hug after Alphie peels the BIM mark off her forehead.

One year later Mr. Boogalow and his officers arrive to arrest Bibi for skipping out on her contract and owing him 10 million dollars. Alphie and Bibi (child in arms and a huge blossom painted on her head) are not about to go. The police start rallying people up and leading them away in a long line. Alphie says someone is coming. Soon everyone is looking skyward at a huge golden car in the sky coming down from the heavens. Then a man, all in white (picture the KFC colonel) comes down from the car. When asked who he is he replies "They call me Mr. Topps". Ok...anyway long end short. He tells Aphie and Bibi to take their child and come with him. They do and so does everyone else but the Boogalow crowd (minus Pandi who decides to join them). They all walk off happily into the sky and fade away. Boogalow asks where he is taking them and he replies " maybe another planet". Boogalow scoffs at this saying the world cannot exist without him. Topps repleys "Let's give it a try", and walks away to join the fading crowd in the sky with his car and fades away. The end.

You can get video and music samples from my web site at:

the music at:

and the video clips at:

from 9 am to 9 pm PST.

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