Christian Gaming

Jason ON

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But what about these Christian video games, can one enrich their spirituality from playing them? Some of them are learning aids, helping young people explore and memorize Bible verses. And some of them are, frankly violent, but have a message of salvation and redemption behind them. Isn't this better than violence for violence sake?

For Example...

The main plot: Your mentor and brethren have

been captured by the demon possessed Roman

soldiers. It is your job to work you way through

the catacombs to free them. Satan has a powerful

hand in the Roman Empire and has powerful foes

to block your every effort.

From the prison, in which your mentor is kept, he

sends a plea for help to you. According to Acts

26:18 (KJV), our Catechumen is sent to open

their eyes (the Roman Soldiers), and to turn them

from darkness to light, and from the power of

Satan unto God, that they may receive

forgiveness of sins.

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