My Exploration into Meditation for Class

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July 17, 2020
Autumn Penn



   While journeying further into meditation for class, I found that the sitting forms of meditation 
simply were much harder for me to accomplish. 

   However, I have done yoga asanas for over thirty years and I recently began Qi Gong when I chanced 
upon a dvd while at the library. I also took one Tae Know Do class in college to meet my Physical 
Education requirement. I feel that moving meditations work extremely successfully for me in calming  
and centering me; therefore, I have decided to enroll in Karate classes at my local park as soon as I 
have the financial means to do so and I have put Qi Gong dvds on hold at my local library. Both Yin Yoga 
& Hatha Yoga I practice regularly and much enjoy.

   When it comes to musical meditations, I absolutely love them. I was introduced to them in college 
while working on my music minor. One was the Latin “Kyrie Eleison”; the other the Hebrew “Hashi 
Venu”. I visited one of the Buddhist temples in my area and I found the chanting to be emotionally, 
psychologically, physically, and spiritually liberating.

  I have not yet attempted to envision a rainbow to cleanse my chakras; however, I have done the chakra 
mantra cleanse along with a video on YouTube. I like the chakra mantra cleanse a lot. I think 
this is merely because I am into music. I will at some point take on the harder challenge of the rainbow 
visualization. It will be good for me to tackle something difficult for me.

   Thank for taking the time to read my short essay of my experiences so far as I go along my path to 
obtain my Bachelor in Metaphysics. Constructive criticism and helpful input are welcome.

  Peace, happiness, blessings, and love to you all.




--Priestess Autumn Penn


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