GOD--101.....Will God be Tardy on God's promise to Israel

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Jeremiah 29

10 This is what the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.

It begins July 26 1947....The CIA comes first....On May 14th 1948.....Over 10,000,000 + Jews are Murdered....and the world knows this....including the Roman Catholic Church....On May 14th 1948....Israel becomes a nation.....and it should not have happened......their is no reason why they survived......They backed down over 5 nations to stand on their feet.....Including Russia....The passage above is two fold......It happened once.......but not complete....God will return to Israel   .......and their is nothing on that agenda accept God and Israel.....Those people who's names that are written in the Lambs Book of Life.........Matthew 24......One will be taken......the other left.....it dosnt say what will happen to the planet.... when one will be taken..........I got a suggestion.....Let me see.....since mankind has been extracting oil and coal from the Earth.....How much.... has disappeared....and filled the sky's....A machine needs oil to run......what happens to a machine when their is no oil.......OH!.......its a precision machine....runs on magnetic energy....also....Testing Atomic Weapons....Probably....wasn't a real good thing for the planet.....When Israel became a nation in 1948....70 years in captivity...evryone on Israels border's.......... wants to eliminate their existence .....except God.....On May 14th 2018...God WILL becomes DEFAULT.....on God's promise to  return to Israel....but who is to question God's immediate return......the servant of the Lord......who waits impatiently for his return.....and to usher in truth..... were none exist

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40 minutes ago, mieshec said:

    On May 14th 2018...God WILL becomes DEFAULT.....on God's promise to  return to Israel.


Not necessarily.... God never defaults on a promise, nor did He set a date..  Perhaps its our understanding of God's plan that falls into default on May 14th? Keep in mind that the anti-Christ has yet to appear,  the 7 years of tribulation need to occur prior to Christ return, and that can't happen before May. 

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Your incorrect...The time.....is such an indelible mark...How does a race....set aside ....BY GOD.....endure....having supernatural resilience.... survive such a cataclysmic event as the Holocaust.....NO....Evrything about 1948 and forward is correct in the countdown of 70 years....Just as the prophecy played out when God used Babylon as a weapon against Israel for its disobedience and Babylon took captives....God did as he promised and delivered Israel after 70 years....Matthew 24 is complete....the world grows cold....Also...understand this....The Bible is all about Israel.....the nations.... have a very small role played out in scripture...To inherit salvation....and to complete themselves as God has intended mortal man to be....The imperfection...of our humanity, being born into sin.... has been eliminated by the blood of Christ....and no longer are we a slave to sin...Jesus paid the price....their is no price .....left to be paid....1 Thessalonians 5..... 8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. 9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Read both books of Thessalonians.....Those that are written in the Lambs Book of Life will not go thru any part of the tribulation.....when Christ takes what belongs to him from the Earth....the Earth will cave in.... tribulation and judgement begin....Thessalonians is an amazing book....this is kinda weird..... 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape .....as labor pains on a pregnant woman....WOW.....i think her contractions are getting really close.....Peace and safety.....I think America has seen peace and safety.....only to see it spiral out of control to this date....I think America will see great judgement against the land and its people.



57 minutes ago, Dan56 said:


Not necessarily.... God never defaults on a promise, nor did He set a date..  Perhaps its our understanding of God's plan that falls into default on May 14th? Keep in mind that the anti-Christ has yet to appear,  the 7 years of tribulation need to occur prior to Christ return, and that can't happen before May. 


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Let me clarify my words....The Bible is a Jewish text....it is Gods interaction with mankind.....Thru the Jews....Common man,or Gentiles...NATIONS.. has a very small part in this book...the Bible are a collection of manuscripts passed thru the hands of the Jews.....and the dispensing of Gods intentions are thru the Jews....When Christ was born unto Man....he presented himself to the Jews...and was ready to set up his kingdom....but the Jews failed again....when Christ died on the cross....it changed humanity.....it changed the world.....it changed existence....A new covenant was born thru the death of Jesus Christ....it was given to ALL who believe and understand in what God has done....this new covenant was taught thru the Jews by Jesus and after his death was dispensed thru the Jews and spoken by the Jews......This New Covenant...is the only order of business currently in motion by God. When Israel became a nation in 1948....The time for Israel and God to begin again was told in the books of the prophets....FREEWILL....has run its coarse....God turns his back on Israel.....mankind gives God the finger....and says..."we can do this"....Without God.....man has destroyed his environment....man is incapable of being left alone....Scientist now admit.....the Testing of Atomic Weapons has drastically changed the face of the earth along with the other garbage in tow by mankind's "FREEWILL"......The time is correct......its kind of a crazy thought when you think about this....When God.....WAS GOD......in ALL of existence......when the blueprint of existence......when God was God.......A TESTING OF GOD......MILLIONS OF YEARS....??????......BILLIONS OF YEARS.......we sit in the presence of this time.....RIGHT NOW......when the time of Gods testing is finished.....and evrything in existence has been waiting for this time to happen.........70 years.....sure we dont know the exact time of Christ's arrival.....But May 14th 1948....is a permanent undeniable date that cannot be erased......Matthew 24.....like the book of Revelations and Daniel.....the book drifts in and out of time periods.....but one thing is certain about Matthew 24.....mankind has destroyed the face of the Earth.....he's altering his existence thru artificial intelligence.....FOOD.....medicine......the World is Godless......Gods words are altered thru-out Christianity.....and the Bible is seen as a historical document.... not meant to be lived according too..... in the age that we are living in right now.....just as Christ changed existence with his death......he will change it again when he takes his chosen from the Earth.....Notice....the rapture in scripture is not widely publicized .....but the Second Coming of Christ......AFTER the 7 years....after Tribulation.....when Jesus Christ returns with more Angels than man can understand......but also understand this.......its not only Angels that fills the sky ......But the Saints will return with them....THOSE CHOSEN....who names are written in the Lambs Book of Life.....Arrive on Earth and destroy the wicked and bring about Judgement upon those that are the Enemies of God

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suggest you look into the counsel of nicia jews have no special privilege over any other people we are all created in the creators image also Judaism is a religion, Not a race. And isreal was 12 tribes not one people so their is deception involved and it's not by God I'd say the evil forces of this universe want you to think one race is better then others when in fact it's not so we are all equally valuable we are not goyum

Edited by studentoflife
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