Glad To Be A Ulc Minister

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I find great beauty in being in the ULC. It is a unique church because its foundation is Freedom: freedom of thought, freedom of religion, freedom to be or not to be.

I found the ULC many years ago, but I could not understand its profound concept of freedom. Back then I had not developed spiritual maturity. So I moved away from the ULC. I took me a few years of travel and study to discover how vast and complex is the spirituality of the world. I read many of the sacred books of mankind, and found in them many things of spiritual value and a lot of things of no value at all. I found in most religions hypocrisy, hatred, arrogance, conceit, fanatism. I also found in all religions that I studied good and devout people who were not controlled by the fanatism of the majority. These people I have called the saints of the world. Do not get me wrong, they were not perfect. They were people like you and I: fallible, but filled with good will.

After my studies and travels, I found the ULC once more. This time in the internet where interesting conversations were held. I found men and women who were in truth dedicated to the values of freedom and good will. But now I had matured, and took the spiritual life in a more open way. I was not concerned anymore in transmitting my religious beliefs and values, but in sharing spiritual interests with men and women who understood life in different ways.

My rediscovery of the ULC has opened new doors of spiritual understanding. I have dropped many things that I still considered to be spiritual. Even though I still walk the spiritual path that I started over fifty years ago, I do not consider it as being a very unique path: it is just one of the many paths that believes to have God on its side. I still believe in God, but I am more aware that I can not say with certainty that God exists or not, nor do I have a good definition of God. What I now have is a simple path that leads me to expand my freedom, understanding, love, and compassion. For this I am grateful.

Hermano Luis

Moriviví Hermitage

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